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Another way we can open the b is like this. please let me know if any suggestions

Inscrição nº 267 do Concurso para                                                 Design a Logo for BrightCharger
Inscrição nº267

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  • Rytjani
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 8 anos atrás

    The color of logo: We could try out something with more similar to example image (a bit more brighter/neon green maybe? Maybe some glowing element? Sorry about these extra requests ... :)

    • 8 anos atrás
    1. vishnuvs619
      • 8 anos atrás

      #287 added with more bright neon blue and glowing effect on icon :)

      • 8 anos atrás
  • Rytjani
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 8 anos atrás

    thank you again. I think we have now enough these initial designs for our considerations. I'll contact you asap whether we decide to continue with one of these ! looking forward...

    • 8 anos atrás
    1. Rytjani
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 8 anos atrás

      Hi, our team was quite happy with this initial design, congratulations in advance. Some moderations to consider: to get the ideology to charging bar in the bottom of the image, could we switch it so that there're similar sized elements, ending with a considerably thinner one in the end (charging stops after a preset time automatically, and brightcharger's color switches from green to bright white).

      • 8 anos atrás
    2. vishnuvs619
      • 8 anos atrás

      Hi there, sorry for the late reply i didn't get notified about this message, please see #281 Thank you

      • 8 anos atrás

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