Freelancer: aditya96
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Hoop Hope

Please take my concept into consideration. The infinity sign symbolizes "Growth" and the basketball along with the world are integrated into it. This as a whole symbolizes the AIM of your brand. Thank you.

Inscrição nº 125 do Concurso para                                                 Design a Logo for Hoop·Hope
Inscrição nº125

Painel de Comentários

  • aditya96
    • 8 anos atrás

    I'm really glad you liked my concept and the design. I'm ready for work always so feel free to contact me whenever you wish. Thanks a lot!

    • 8 anos atrás
  • hoopandhope
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 8 anos atrás

    This is a very very nice design!!!! We really like your concept and the design itself, sharp, clean and modern. Unfortunately, we have decided to take another design as our brand logo. However, you did a very good job on this design and if we have anything thing we need help with, we will contact you in the future.

    • 8 anos atrás