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  • cartess3
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás

    Okay... I like this one the best... Let's move the wording over a little bit more to the left to close up some of the white space -- just a little bit.

    Next, lets get rid of the dollar sign and put the letter s back.

    Lastly, let's switch the word colors... Make the word 'shirt' the dark color and make 'Riches' the light color.

    Once u make all the changes, could you then provide the same in maybe 3-5 different colors so i can see what they look like.

    I"ve already decided that I will choose your logo -- this is my first contest. How does this work. Once I award it, do you keep working on it till we get it finished?

    • 10 anos atrás
    1. thimsbell
      • 10 anos atrás

      yes working on it ,will send you update in 30 min

      • 10 anos atrás
    2. thimsbell
      • 10 anos atrás

      yes i will make all changes that you want even after you choose me winner

      • 10 anos atrás