Freelancer: bettypremi
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reach the center

In this design I represented the bird dove toward the center of the target. E 'can hit the center with a joint action. The efforts made by many different people can converge on a single goal; it's nice to work together, but for every team, you must ensure that the objective will not be lost sight of. The colors are those of the original logo, I have tried to give a sense of movement and perspective that the bird, like an arrow, goes to the center. The birds may be many, but only one reached the obiettivo.Il central point is the verification of the objective reached.

Inscrição nº 3 do Concurso para                                                 Design a T-Shirt for's Verifications Team
Inscrição nº3

Painel de Comentários

  • SupportTian
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 8 anos atrás

    Hi bettypremi. I like the idea behind the design. However, can you modify the arrangement of the different parts of your design so it won't look crowded? Also, can you make the "convergence area" (the spiral) a little bit more artistic and verification-related? Thank you.

    • 8 anos atrás