Freelancer: UX Bogdan Duma
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Roof Rack City Redesign

Here is our proposal for your business. Every design element is subject of change and could be done as you wish. Looking for your feedback and collaboration. Thank you, KsWebPro Team.

Inscrição nº 4 do Concurso para                                                 Design a Website Mockup for Roof Rack Co
Inscrição nº4

Painel de Comentários

  • UX Bogdan Duma
    UX Bogdan Duma
    • 9 anos atrás

    check #15

    • 9 anos atrás
  • searchclever
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 9 anos atrás

    Can you make the logo a bit bigger, change the "fit your vehicle" to an enquiry form and make the phone numbers on the top right stand out a bit more?

    • 9 anos atrás
    1. UX Bogdan Duma
      UX Bogdan Duma
      • 9 anos atrás

      yes, we are going to make the changes right away. Thank you for your feedback.

      • 9 anos atrás
  • UX Bogdan Duma
    UX Bogdan Duma
    • 9 anos atrás

    We are currently working with companies in Australia (from Perth to Sydney). Right now we are developing www. adspac .es (a great advertising company in Perth). We can come back with a letter of recommandation from it's owner to clear all doubts.

    • 9 anos atrás
  • UX Bogdan Duma
    UX Bogdan Duma
    • 9 anos atrás

    Our design could be passed to Wordpress very easy and our company can provide full support for this process. If you have any doubt about our work please check our Freelancer Profile to see what other clients think about us.

    • 9 anos atrás

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