Freelancer: souravdey1983
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Smipter Application Banner Design

Hi, I have designed the Smipter Apps Banner Design. Your description was outstanding. I have done the project accordingly. If any section need to change please inform me about that and I shall provide you UNLIMITED REVISIONS of the design. Also I shall send you editable version as well as print ready and web version also. I shall customize the size if need so. Thanks! Sourav

Inscrição nº 7 do Concurso para                                                 Design a Xstand Banner for Smipter : We bring Post Office to You
Inscrição nº7

Painel de Comentários

  • kobenlee
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 9 anos atrás

    Well, this is a nice design, but I need in narrow :D

    • 9 anos atrás