Freelancer: aditya96
Denunciar Inscrição

Inner Journeys

Hope you like my work. If you would like to see any changes in it, feel free to ask!

Inscrição nº 15 do Concurso para                                                 Design a highly creative logo for our spiritual retreat business!
Inscrição nº15

Painel de Comentários

  • mobsidiana
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 8 anos atrás

    Thank you for your submission. However, this is very similar to what everyone has posted and we are looking for originality. For us, the tree needs to be the focus and too much emphasis is on the background, although your dark sky looks great! Try adding some leaves to fill the canopy and make the heart smaller so it appears more natural. We appreciate your effort!

    • 8 anos atrás