Painel de Comentários

  • paulgarnsey
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás

    I like this illustration very much. But it's right for this website. Too solemn. Especially colours. This website is fun. Loving. Caring. Happy. Bright. Alive. Inviting. A website for people worried about their weight. Nowhere else to turn. This website is not-for-profit, where visitors find others battling the same worries they are, positive encouragement, tools, friendship, advice to feel ok about themselves. A fellowship. Hope to keep going forward. They are no longer alone. They are among friends. All helping each other to achieve their goals. They become members and visit everyday to upload their food plan for the day. To find out what other people are doing. To complain. To laugh. To find something that works.

    • 10 anos atrás