Painel de Comentários

  • vw7573491vw
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 8 anos atrás

    Thank you for all the entries to date. The contest amount has been doubled to $110 instead of $55. There are two key portions of this contest better described in the Brief. 1) Digital Art for the back side of a two-sided business card and a marketing banner and 2) a team logo to be used on the main side of a business card and also on the website landing page. Please post questions if something needs to be better clarified.

    • 8 anos atrás
  • vw7573491vw
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 9 anos atrás

    thank you for all the ideas so far. I'm liking the theme of having multiple robots on the words...standing, sitting, climbing, reaching, sliding, flying, and other gestures, motion...hopefully this helps.

    • 9 anos atrás
  • vw7573491vw
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 9 anos atrás

    I like both of your entries. Would it be possible to try "impact" font to both to compare the difference. I used Impact font on the first page of the material in the web page "about" area. Also, perhaps use the goldish-yellow color on face, chest, hand and feet, and black on rest of body Thank you very much.

    • 9 anos atrás