Freelancer: SebastianBlaga
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All you need

All that you need is here:!AhwtE6AFe0HGs05KY0fhT_ResAIM?e=eHwZrh The mesh is fine for the changes you need. I just reapplied the textures. Drag only the glb file into the model viewer.

Inscrição nº 12 do Concurso para                                                 Make small change to this 3d file.
Inscrição nº12

Painel de Comentários

  • JFNYFreelancer
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 2 anos atrás

    This looks good except the screen is wrong. Please look at the higher rated entries to see the correct screen. Also, the brightness of the screen looks a little dull

    • 2 anos atrás