Freelancer: AbhilashSundar
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Everything other than the boy's face and the speed gauge is made by myself and I have the vector files. So any alteration can be done very easily and would take only a small time. So if you have any suggestions please let me know. What I'm planning to do in the flash animation is very obvious. It's going to the premium user getting a lot of movies and winking his eye. And the free user will be shown to be frustrated and sweating. As you asked to focus on movies I have added just DVD, BluRay type of logos. If you want to add games or music I can do it easily. I didn't do any changes to the speed gauge. If you are impressed with this idea please let me know what I can do to the speed gauge. *whether I can change it completely or *whether I can do limited alterations or *whether I have to keep it as it is If my design gets selected I can do the flash animation in a small time. Thank you

Inscrição nº 24 do Concurso para                                                 animation Design for File Sharing website
Inscrição nº24

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  • matian
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás

    Hican you mix it with these like

    • 10 anos atrás