Freelancer: aalhelaly11
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This is my design from a to b .. all illustrations are all made by me .. I hope you like this design.. and please feedback on this one too .. working time ~3.5 hrs.. Thanks for the feedback and rating

Inscrição nº 40 do Concurso para                                                 Design a simple landing page for
Inscrição nº40

Painel de Comentários

  • aalhelaly11
    • 8 anos atrás

    This is my first work in web design .. ever.. so please if you can be specific this will help me create a better version .. you asked for a simple landing page.. if you want to add other elements like social websites icons or a menu ( home - about - contact..etc) or anything else just ask please.. i don't understand what you mean by simplistic that's what i saw in the mockup.. and the graphics i designed are suitable for the ideas you wanted.. thanks

    • 8 anos atrás
  • logptech
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 8 anos atrás

    This looks original, but it is very simplistic. Also, I don't mixing a lot of fonts (i.e. simplifying research)

    • 8 anos atrás
  • aalhelaly11
    • 8 anos atrás

    hahaha .. meant a to z * :D

    • 8 anos atrás