Design a T-Shirt for a famous YouTube video to be sold online- Featuring a cat and explosion

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: $40
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 6
  • Vencedor: edgar318

Síntese do concurso

We would love a design for one of the cats featured in our famous youtube video "How to Stop Cats Forever - The Extreme Party Popper"
We want the design to be transferable onto mugs, hats, stickers, etc
We want it based around the cat named "Fatty Fatty Black Paw" when the cat has launched into the air. We would like the words "I can has BOOM" to be on the shirt as well. Completely open to the cat being re-illustrated in any graphic design style. We don't just want the photo just printed onto a short. I want adults to wear this design so don't want it too child like.
A graphical representation of the explosion itself is welcome to be incorporated but not crucial.
The core idea behind the shirt is simply- It is to be a shirt with a design that looks good and when seen by people they relate it to this part of the video.

I have attached a screen shot taken from the youtube video and I have attached the original high res photo

Habilidades Recomendadas

Feedback do Empregador

“Great work, really happy!”

Foto do perfil cdturner, Australia.

Painel de Comentários

  • venug381
    • 11 anos atrás

    Please check your PMB. Thank you

    • 11 anos atrás
  • shaqfis
    • 11 anos atrás

    How is mine #11

    • 11 anos atrás
  • venug381
    • 11 anos atrás

    Please check #8. Thank you

    • 11 anos atrás
  • cdturner
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 11 anos atrás

    Pending funds we may award multiple winners. Otherwise we will be holding onto the details of the good designs to purchase them from you, or have you further develop them in the future :-) Feedback on new designs coming shortly!

    • 11 anos atrás
  • venug381
    • 11 anos atrás

    wait for my design. Thank you

    • 11 anos atrás
  • venug381
    • 11 anos atrás

    Guarantee the contest.

    • 11 anos atrás
    1. cdturner
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 11 anos atrás

      yes all done. Thought it was originally but must of missed that.

      • 11 anos atrás
    2. venug381
      • 11 anos atrás

      Thank you,

      • 11 anos atrás
  • edgar318
    • 11 anos atrás

    Working on this. however, it would be better if you make the contest guaranteed

    • 11 anos atrás
    1. edgar318
      • 11 anos atrás

      Ok, I reuploaded them. (The picture of the model i used was a very low quality though :P)
      Let me know what do you think. #4

      • 11 anos atrás
    2. edgar318
      • 11 anos atrás

      and #5

      • 11 anos atrás

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