Freelancer: sazzadrashed
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Video Edit with text and stock videos

Hi. Wish you all the best for your great business. Please checkout my work also give me some feedback about it.I have tried to add text and good stock videos for this project.Please let me know should I have to change or modify anything or anything you don't like for this video. Have a good day.

Inscrição nº11

Painel de Comentários

  • sazzadrashed
    • 1 ano atrás

    Thank you so much for your feedback.I will do my best to change the things as you have described.

    • 1 ano atrás
  • sagarsinghrawat7
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 1 ano atrás

    congratulation change from flowers to something related to business ss

    28 sec - background sagar rawat teal colour and sagar rawat font to yellow

    43 sec correct spelling to opt-in

    1:19- remove and telling
    1:54 - 2 make same like 1
    3:10 Spelling change to Minimum Viable Product

    2:25 sell sell sell change spelling to this

    can you also do colour correction and music volume a little bit down.

    Thank you

    • 1 ano atrás