Logo Design for e-Learning platform at Koul

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: $115
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 36
  • Vencedor: macoacero

Síntese do concurso

Koul is a young brand. Koul is fresh, modern and innovative. Koul is meant to improve people's lives, aims to keep the learning experience fun and easy

Koul is an online educational application meant to facilitate the process of learning and REMEMBERING.

It is scientifically designed to measure the way your brain remembers. And based on that, it plans the optimal learning path.
Someone who uses Koul can spend less time learning new stuff required for their job or study, with less hassle.

We would like to show a friendly gesture, yet very, very professional.

Target audience:
High school, senior, and grad students from upper, upper-middle and middle class. Ages ranging between 18 and 35. We are starting in South and North America; then we will follow to India, Japan and China.

- Attached you will find some screenshots of the web app, along with the color ranges we are using right now; keep in mind that these screenshots have been modified in order to preserve confidentiality. We wouldn't discard any other color suggestions, though!
- Typography used in the web app is not the one we are really going to use.

Thanks for your support!!!

ESPANOL (tildes removidas por incompatibilidad):
Koul es una marca joven. Koul es fresca, moderna e innovadora. Koul esta disenada para mejorar la vida de las personas y para hacer del aprendizaje una experiencia facil y divertida.

Koul es una aplicacion educativa en linea hecha para facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje y de RECUERDO.

Esta cientificamente disenada para medir la forma en que tu cerebro recuerda. Basado en eso, planea un programa de aprendizaje optimo.

Alguien que usa Koul puede pasar menos tiempo aprendiendo las nuevas cosas que su trabajo o estudio requiere, y lo hace con menos dificultades.

Nos gustaria mostrar una marca amable, pero mantener un perfil muy, muy profesional.

Mercado objetivo:

Estudiantes de ultimos anos de escuela secundaria, estudiantes universitarios, estudiantes de posgrado y profesionales jovenes de clase alta, media-alta y media. Las edades estan comprendidas entre los 18 y los 35. Empezaremos en Sur y Norteamerica; seguiremos con los mercados de India, Japon y China.


- Se adjuntan algunas capturas de pantalla de la aplicacion web, asi como los rangos de color que estamos usando actualmente en la aplicacion; cabe anotar que estas capturas han sido editadas para preservar la confidencialidad. Aun asi, !no descartaremos otras sugerencias de color!
- La tipografia usada en la aplicacion no es necesariamente la que se va a usar finalmente.

!Gracias por su apoyo!

Habilidades Recomendadas

Painel de Comentários

  • ivegotlost
    • 11 anos atrás

    Congrats to the winner..

    • 11 anos atrás
  • MeemoSAS
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 11 anos atrás

    Thank you very much for your support, friends and freelancers.
    We have found many really good jobs, but we have come to a decision.

    Best regards!

    • 11 anos atrás
  • pradeepchauhan92
    • 11 anos atrás

    sir check #46 , #47

    • 11 anos atrás
  • casshernzakikato
    • 11 anos atrás


    plz check #37

    • 11 anos atrás
  • Ankush881
    • 11 anos atrás

    pls check #29

    • 11 anos atrás
  • ivegotlost
    • 11 anos atrás

    Hi CH, kindly check and rate #11 , thanks.

    • 11 anos atrás
    1. MeemoSAS
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 11 anos atrás

      I like the concept... that's about it. Not sure about the colors. They are quite different in tone from the ones we are actually using. Ours are more "neon-like"!

      • 11 anos atrás
    2. ivegotlost
      • 11 anos atrás

      Hi. Thanks for the feedback. About the colors - I've used the ones in your color scheme (with the exception of green).
      Anyway, I've entered another concept, #28 , hope you'll like it,

      • 11 anos atrás
  • Ankush881
    • 11 anos atrás

    feedback pls #12

    • 11 anos atrás
    1. MeemoSAS
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 11 anos atrás

      Even though I am not so sure about an explicit brain, I like it. I would really like to see another entry of yours. Please take a look at the images I've attached. You can find there the look and feel of the webapp.

      • 11 anos atrás
    2. Ankush881
      • 11 anos atrás

      really appreciate your feedback.Pls check #26 #27

      • 11 anos atrás
  • MeemoSAS
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 11 anos atrás

    Guys, Koul means "Sphere" or "Hemisphere" on a "strange" language!

    • 11 anos atrás
  • MeemoSAS
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 11 anos atrás

    Attached you will find some screenshots of the web app, along with the color ranges we are using right now; keep in mind that these screenshots have been modified in order to preserve confidentiality. We wouldn't discard any other color suggestions, though!

    • 11 anos atrás
    1. SelcukGuler
      • 11 anos atrás

      thank you for your feedback. I really like your brand. I hope you like new designs. I work for more idea. I liked 4th design. Because it traces of your web design. maybe i can change it little more. sorry about my bad english:)

      With my best regards...

      • 11 anos atrás
  • patriciaferrao
    • 11 anos atrás

    The first entries look really Good, but I'll give my try anyway.

    • 11 anos atrás
    1. MeemoSAS
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 11 anos atrás

      Patricia, you are welcome to give it a try!

      • 11 anos atrás
  • MeemoSAS
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 11 anos atrás

    Koul is a young brand. Koul is fresh, modern and innovative. Koul is meant to improve people's lives, and aims to keep learning fun and easy

    • 11 anos atrás
  • SelcukGuler
    • 11 anos atrás

    check #1 and send me pm for feedback pls. Thank u.

    • 11 anos atrás
    1. MeemoSAS
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 11 anos atrás

      Hello SelcukGuler,

      Thank you very much for your proposals; we are looking for an image that represents effective learning, but we are not sure about an explicit brain; it should be easier to draw and should have straight lines. Interesting color range the one you used. We liked the typography used on the third logo!

      Hope to hear from you soon!

      • 11 anos atrás

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