Design an Advertisement

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: $90
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 2
  • Vencedor: wolfrain

Síntese do concurso

I need designed a one-picture/meme advertisement (with some verbiage) to be used on FB to promote my business, and that can also be used on my website.

I want something sort of similar to the attached file, but more professional. The advertisement is for psychotherapy services for anxiety and stress. The phrase, "Reclaim your power, relcaim your life" has to be included, as well as mention of my website and trauma and anxiety services.

Habilidades Recomendadas

Feedback do Empregador

“Great job, very fast and professional!”

Foto do perfil jennifersweeton, United States.

Painel de Comentários

  • tracyfsu
    • 7 anos atrás

    I have an entry I was trying to submit but then the contest ended. Please let me know if you would like to see it :) I think you would like it!

    • 7 anos atrás
  • RobinHasan56
    • 7 anos atrás

    Working on it. Please wait for my entry. Thanks.

    • 7 anos atrás
  • Neruna
    • 7 anos atrás

    Hello! Please give feedback in order to improve our designs; rejecting everything is likely not to bring you closer to the desired result. Thank you!

    • 7 anos atrás
  • icterusads
    • 7 anos atrás

    Regards, what is your business?
    Can you describe a little that you expect in the picture?
    I can develop the text but for this you must tell me about the services or products you offer in your business.

    • 7 anos atrás

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