Off-Road vehicle graphics without Brown - Off Road
- Status: Closed
- Prêmio: $30
- Inscrições Recebidas: 15
- Vencedor: dannnnny85
Síntese do concurso
upload previous file #2, #4 and #5, from last contest and do edits from that contest and add them as entries here.
Here are the edits:
okay can you take #2 entry here and raise up the rear lower little blue graphic some like you have it in #1, and then secondly in the middle of the big blue graphic on the bototm where the little finger point of blue comes back into the main graphic, pull that away from the main graphic just a bit and stretch that out some toward the back and curve it out a little so it matches the flow of the line of the area its trailing. three, the graphic of the hood that was like #4 but had more blue, the original one from the other contest, load that original graphic of the hood and of the roof, the original one of both, then remove the brown from both of those graphics so its just the blue. 4th, we need an additional hood option with a little more blue where the brown was, but getting less as it moves onto where the brown was.
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Feedback do Empregador
“Danny is AWESOME to work with. Went above and beyond the required scope of work to make sure we were 100% satisfied. Highly recommend him.”
attheriver3, United States.
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