Painel de Comentários

  • vw7573491vw
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 9 anos atrás

    Are you going the submit the second piece of art for the contest (multiple robots) for backside of business card, tee shirt and banner? Please re-read the project brief for clarification. Thank you.

    • 9 anos atrás
  • vw7573491vw
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 9 anos atrás

    Thank you for all the entries to date. The contest amount has been doubled to $110 instead of $55. There are two key portions of this contest better described in the Brief. 1) Digital Art for the back side of a two-sided business card and a marketing banner and 2) a team logo to be used on the main side of a business card and also on the website landing page. Please post questions if something needs to be better clarified.

    • 9 anos atrás