Freelancer: winng04
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Titanic Short Story

It was really interesting to explore the many points of view for this prompt! In the end, I decided to combine the genres of sci-fi, and fantasy and sprinkled in some facts to make the story believable. I'm aware that the story is quite long :( so it'd be my pleasure to shorten the story if you fancy choosing it. Thanks! P.S I've yet to have a name for it, so I'm coming up with one soon in the next few days

Inscrição nº66

Painel de Comentários

  • RhapsodeMonolith
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 1 ano atrás

    Thank you for your entry.
    Your story is ok, but I'm looking for something and sounds possible.
    The problem is your protagonist is a time travel and is perfectly clear in the story. I mean, your story could be usefull if were narrated in the perspective of other character.

    • 1 ano atrás
  • philipphenrikja
    • 1 ano atrás

    how can it stay brazenly when it hides behind something?

    • 1 ano atrás
    1. winng04
      • 1 ano atrás

      Well, as with any big chunky machine, you could make out its shape behind the piece of tarp that was hugging it. And "brazenly" comes from the fact that the huge machine was just sticking out in the middle of their living room ^ ^. That's how I imagined it.

      • 1 ano atrás