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    5,000 medical scribe trabalhos encontrados
    Encerrado left

    Profissional para criação de Vídeo Scribe e Animações. Projeto com duração de 2 a 10 minutos. Solicito que seja informado portfólio, prazo para criação e preços.

    $277 Average bid
    $277 Média
    23 ofertas

    Projeto de Simulação de Diálogos para Inteligência Artificial Bem-vindo ao nosso projeto inovador, onde cada conversa pavimenta o caminho para o futuro da inteligência artificial. Este é um convite para você mergulhar em um mundo simulado de interações entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes. Como Funciona? Papéis: Você assumirá o papel de um médico, dentista, enfermeiro. Seu parceiro será o paciente. Informações Fictícias: Todos os detalhes como nome, idade e endereço devem ser criados para manter a privacidade e a integridade do projeto. Gravação: Utilize um smartphone para gravar as sessões no mesmo ambiente. Recomendamos o aplicativ...

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Média
    14 ofertas

    Edição de vários animados para canal no YouTube utilizando vídeo scribe

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Média
    10 ofertas

    Passa Plantão is a medical shift management application that aims to facilitate communication between shift workers and hospitals, allowing for the exchange of shifts and easy access to available shift schedules. The application is designed to meet the needs of physicians looking for on-call opportunities and hospitals that need to manage their on-call rosters efficiently. The application allows hospital administrators to add information about the shift schedules of each health unit and assign shift workers to the respective schedules, including information about the value of the shift and the hiring condition. On-call workers can offer their shifts to other doctors through the app, with the option to publish the shift so anyone can accept it or offer it directly to another ...

    $657 Average bid
    $657 Média
    25 ofertas
    Medical writer
    Encerrado left

    Escreva conteúdo com foco médico para publicação em locais como organizações de saúde, empresas farmacêuticas ou agências governamentais

    $57 Average bid
    $57 Média
    13 ofertas

    Procuro freelancers falantes nativos de árabe com experiência na área de mídias sociais especialmente da plataforma, para escrever conteúdo em português e gerenciar páginas do Facebook e WhatsApp. Se você é adequado para este trabalho, anexe os detalhes do seu cv para que possamos discutir mais detalhes e as informações do projeto. cumprimentos,, Necessitamos da transcrição do áudio da entrevista médica da tradução do inglês para o português. A duração do áudio é de 15 dias ou menos. A entrega é necessária até amanhã às 22h45 (horário dos Emirados Árabes Unidos). Transcritores experi...

    $1024 Average bid
    $1024 Média
    9 ofertas
    Medical Writting
    Encerrado left

    Estou procurando medical writting para terminar de escrever um artigo, formatar nos moldes da revista - palliative medicine e traduzir para o ingles. Profissional precisa estar familiarizado com termos tecnicos area medica e ser da area da saude ja que o artigo é bastante especifico - cuidados paliativos

    $1104 Average bid
    $1104 Média
    6 ofertas

    colocar em animação uma conversa / enredo com 3 personagens

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Média
    4 ofertas

    ...permission to install any program at hospital computer. Preliminary “flowchart”: Patient receive exams from laboratory by email. Patient send PDF file to a specific email address(exams@) System start a trigger to run routine to : read pdf file, transcript and allocate into patients database. (Must have a link between patient DB and doctor DB. Doctor will only see exams he prescribes). At medical appointment, doctor makes login, checks all pdf´s received, copy, and paste values into hospital system. Complementary information System will have: ADMIN login to add and remove doctor login) - Doctor login to manage results I have host and domain available I bought website template already, you won´t need to develop.

    $654 Average bid
    $654 Média
    8 ofertas

    I am looking for a software project or APP to launch in Brazil, that something exclusive, not yet in Brazil, and that is being successful in another country, may be mobile application the site. I am an investor, and I want to invest in this technology area, the company or professional, will sell the project with source code, and translated already to Portugu...Portuguese. Then we will make a support contract for improvements, I can think about the possibility of partnership in the Project. As I saw here before there are many companies and professionals with great projects in Your portfolio, which does not have in my country, but I want to invest in something that is already Success in any country, need not be worldwide success, can be from any area, medical, gaming, commercial, fina...

    $34795 Average bid
    $34795 Média
    26 ofertas

    Profissional para criação de Vídeo Scribe e Animações. Projeto com duração de 180 à 240 seg. Solicito que seja informado portfólio, prazo para criação e preços.

    $684 Average bid
    $684 Média
    5 ofertas

    Preciso da tradução de um artigo de blog (área da saúde) de Inglês para Português do Brasil. Exemplo:

    $64 Average bid
    $64 Média
    17 ofertas

    I need a responsive website or mobile application to assist in the scheduling of commercial reps from the medical field:      - Have a register of doctors and their addresses      - Be able to make a schedule to visit a region and filter the doctors based on the location in radius of km²      - Be able to annotate the visit with voice recording and text      - as soon as the user leaves a medical clinic he must click on the next doctor he will visit and the application should open the waze or google maps with the way there.

    $515 Average bid
    $515 Média
    21 ofertas

    Tenho histórias e preciso transforma Las em vídeo no modelo scribe.

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Média
    4 ofertas
    Paulista VideoScribe
    Encerrado left

    Video de 1"30 - poucas imagens e inserção de 15 audios (todos numerados) em video scribe para o efeito de uma mão desenhando

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Média
    12 ofertas

    Descrição do Projeto: **** LINKS COM MANUAL DE INTEGRAÇÃO ABAIXO **** Desenvolvimento de NOVO PLUGINS para que funcione em qualquer Tema de WordPress conforme especificações: Integrar ERP OMIE, Adici...o Pagamento. O Plugins deve estar no Idioma Inglês, suportando tradução por WPML para que seja multi-idioma. Esses são os temas que estou trabalhando incialmente que o Plugins deve integrar: Peço por gentileza Orçamento Modular para que possa definir por onde começar conforme valores.

    $683 Average bid
    $683 Média
    26 ofertas
    PHP Plugin WordPress
    Encerrado left

    ...o Pagamento. O Plugins deve estar no Idioma Inglês, suportando tradução por WPML para que seja multi-idioma. Esses são os temas que estou trabalhando incialmente que o Plugins deve integrar: ...

    $716 Average bid
    $716 Média
    2 ofertas

    ***** PRECISO DE PROPOSTAS COM VALOR TOTAL E PRAZO ***** Preferencialmente entenda português para que possamos negociar. Toda documentação de integração estão nos Links A...o Pagamento. O Plugins deve estar no Idioma Inglês, suportando tradução por WPML para que seja multi-idioma. Esses são os temas que estou trabalhando incialmente que o Plugins deve integrar: Peço por gentileza Orçamento Modular para que possa definir por onde começar conforme valores.

    $843 Average bid
    $843 Média
    11 ofertas

    ***** PRECISO DE PROPOSTAS COM VALOR TOTAL E PRAZO ***** Preferencialmente entenda português para que possamos negociar. Toda documentação de integração estão nos Links A...o Pagamento. O Plugins deve estar no Idioma Inglês, suportando tradução por WPML para que seja multi-idioma. Esses são os temas que estou trabalhando incialmente que o Plugins deve integrar: Peço por gentileza Orçamento Modular para que possa definir por onde começar conforme valores.

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Média
    6 ofertas

    Tenho a necessidade de realizar integração para 03 temas em WordPress e certamenta terei outros, então acredito que a melhor solução é o desenvolvimento de Plugins que possa ser utilizado em qualquer tema em...o Pagamento. O Plugins deve estar no Idioma Inglês, suportando tradução por WPML para que seja multi-idioma. Esses são os temas que estou trabalhando incialmente que o Plugins deve integrar: Peço por gentileza Orçamento Modular para que possa definir por onde começar conforme valores.

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Média
    18 ofertas
    Create a Video
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    Video en video scribe para distintos clientes

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Média
    20 ofertas

    Preciso de um logo para nossa empresa que atua na área de tecnologia e medicina. O nome da empresa é Hoo Medical. O nome Hoo da empresa vem de um determinado local chamado de Sutton Hoo, onde foram descobertos artefatos da idade média. O artefato mais simbólico e representativo dessa descoberta, e por consequência desse nome, é uma máscara que está anexada. Gostaria de um design clean, de preferência usando cores no tom de bronze-laranja, que representasse a máscara, a medicina e o nome.

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Média
    8 ofertas
    Quimico Farmaceutico
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    Busco Quimico Farmaceutico para regencia.  Boticas Medical.<br />Requisitos que este titulado.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    2 ofertas

    Vamos desenvolver um site institucional e implementar todo o conteúdo, imagens, deixar pronto website institucional com 5-6 páginas. O tema a ser usado é este: <br /><br />O job é instalar o builder do tema que será fornecido e incrementar as informações.

    $217 Average bid
    $217 Média
    49 ofertas

    Configuracion template <br />El template ya esta subido al servidor y funcionando, las labores que faltan son: <br />Fine tuning de graficos, logo y textos.<br />Implementar funcion de idiomas ingles/español.<br />configurar seccion de miembros.<br />Configurar tienda para venta de producto y suscripcion. <br /> 

    $314 Average bid
    $314 Média
    50 ofertas

    Gostaria de receber propostas para criação de animações simples utilizando Video Scribe ou similar (pode ser utilizando ilustrações do próprio software - sem necessidade de criação de novas ilustrações), com duração de 4 a 5 minutos por vídeo, com narração em Português do Brasil.<br />Exemplos de vídeos para utilizar como base: <br />O conteúdo/script não deve ser incluído no orçamento - será disponibilizado.<br /><br />Por favor informem quanto tempo levaria para uma primeira versão da animação.<br /><br />Aguardo contato.<br /><br />

    $194 Average bid
    $194 Média
    7 ofertas

    Olá!<br /><br />Gostaria de receber propostas para criação de animações simples utilizando Video Scribe ou similar (pode ser utilizando ilustrações do próprio software - sem necessidade de criação de novas ilustrações), com duração de 4 a 5 minutos por vídeo, com narração em Português do Brasil.<br />Exemplos de vídeos para utilizar como base: <br />O conteúdo/script não deve ser incluído no orçamento - será disponibilizado.<br /><br />Por favor informem quanto tempo levaria para uma primeira versão da animação.<br /><br />Aguardo contato.&l...

    0 ofertas
    $300 Média
    1 ofertas
    video scribe
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    Profissional para criação de Vídeo Scribe e Animações. Projetos com duração de 30, 60, 120 e 180 seg. Solicitamos que seja informado portfólio, prazo para criação e preços.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    9 ofertas

    I need a professional web developer to create an engaging website for my physiotherapy clinic that will primarily aim to attract new patients. Key features sh...comprehensively feature patient testimonials, detailed information on our services and treatments, as well as staff bios and qualifications. - Interactive Elements: An essential component of the site will be an appointment booking system. Additionally, an interactive map to help users locate our clinic is also required. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in creating medical or clinic-based websites. - Strong web development skills, with a focus on interactive and user-friendly designs. - Ability to incorporate SEO strategies to help increase the site's visibility and reach to potentia...

    $710 Average bid
    $710 Média
    100 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer or medical illustrator who can craft two specific medical images for me. Requirements: 1. The first image should depict a front view of the nose, illustrating both a normal and a bent septum. 2. The second image needs to show a side view of the septum with its blood supply. Specifications: - The style of the images should be illustrative, not too dark, and with nice, light colours. - The images need to be delivered in PNG format. - Please include labels on the images as necessary. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in graphic design or medical illustration - Experience with creating illustrative style images - Attention to detail for accurate labeling - Ability to use light and appealing colours. Plea...

    $12 Average bid
    24 inscrições

    We are seeking a skilled freelancer to assist with setting up and managing Amazon Textract's A2I (Augmented AI) Human Review workflow. Th...communicate clearly and efficiently, both for documentation and collaboration with team members. Preferred Experience: Previous Human Review Experience: Experience with document processing, OCR validation, or similar human-in-the-loop workflows is a plus. Basic AWS Knowledge: Understanding of AWS services like S3, Textract, and A2I. Document Processing: Experience in handling legal, financial, or medical documents is advantageous. Deliverables: Fully configured Amazon Textract and A2I setup with integrated human review tasks. High-quality, error-free output after human review. Reports on progress and errors, with recommendations for furth...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Média
    3 ofertas

    ...Management: ◦ Personal details: Name, age, gender, contact information ◦ Medical history, allergies, prescriptions, ongoing treatments 3. Doctor Search & Filters: ◦ Specialty, availability, ratings, reviews ◦ Sort by consultation fee, distance (if physical visits are an option) 4. Appointment Scheduling: ◦ Select preferred date, time, and consultation type (video/audio/chat) ◦ View doctor's availability in real-time 5. In-App Video/Audio Conferencing: ◦ Encrypted, HIPAA-compliant video and audio calls (via integration with platforms like Twilio or Agora) ◦ Notifications for scheduled consultations 6. Prescription & Medical Reports: ◦ View/download digital prescripti...

    $1922 Average bid
    $1922 Média
    36 ofertas

    ...Healthcare, Elekta, and her latest role at Quest Diagnostics. Design Ideas: 1. Cityscape of Success: A skyline with buildings representing each company as monumental structures in her career journey. The tallest skyscraper could represent her proudest accomplishment with subtle logos or recognizable architecture and healthcare elements. 2. Collage of Impact: A collage-style painting combining medical imagery like MRI machines and diagnostic vials with abstract sales graphs showing how each role contributed to the healthcare industry. 3. Pathway to Success: A pathway marked by the companies she worked for symbolizing her ascent in the industry, showcasing milestones such as awards or achievements....

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Média
    28 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled writer with a deep understanding of urology to create patient education materials aimed at the general public. The content should cover common urological conditions, with a particular emphasis on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Background in urology or medical writing, and promoting my BPH Health Supplement for men. - Ability to translate complex medical concepts into easy-to-understand language for the general public - Experience creating patient education materials - Knowledge of common urological conditions and BPH - Strong research skills to ensure all information is current and accurate - Excellent writing skills with a knack for engaging content

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Média
    24 ofertas

    I'm looking for a minimalist style logo for my physiotherapy clinic. The logo should incorporate a human silhouette and the primary color should be yellow. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Minimalist Design - Understanding of Medical/Physiotherapy Themes Requirements: - The logo must be clean, simple and modern, reflecting a minimalist aesthetic. - The use of a human silhouette is a must, as it represents the focus of the clinic. - The color scheme should predominantly feature yellow. Please provide samples of previous minimalist logo designs in your portfolio.

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Média
    58 ofertas

    I have a highly researched respiratory medical device that requires a focused social marketing campaign aimed at driving product sales. The campaign will primarily target the following social media platforms: - Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn The content strategy will predominantly revolve around creating educational posts that highlight the benefits and features of the device. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in social media marketing, particularly for medical devices or similar products. - Excellent content creation skills with a focus on educational posts. - Experience in driving product sales through social media platforms. - Familiarity with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn's advertising tools and algorithms.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Média
    19 ofertas

    I'm seeking a freelancer to create an organized, professional catalog for our mobility products at The catalog should be categorized by product type and need to be flexible for future updates. Key Requirements: - Easil...for price changes, product discontinuations, or new product additions. - Capability to split into smaller catalogs or specific product pages. - Preference for Canva, but I'm open to other user-friendly platforms. The final product should be suitable for both digital PDF and printed versions. Ideal candidates should have experience in catalog design, ideally within the retail of mobility aids, medical equipment, or healthcare supplies. A keen eye for detail and organizational skills are crucial. Please include relevant portfolio pieces ...

    $385 Average bid
    $385 Média
    92 ofertas

    I need an expert in clinical research to edit my academic medical paper. The paper requires: - Ensuring scientific accuracy - Editing sections related to methods and methodology - Assisting with data analysis - Refining the discussion and conclusions The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in clinical research and a strong background in editing academic papers for scientific accuracy.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    46 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled medical copywriter to craft patient brochures for healthcare professionals. The brochures should detail treatment options in a clear, concise and engaging manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in medical copywriting - Ability to simplify complex medical information - Understanding of treatment options across various conditions - Experience writing for healthcare professionals

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Média
    29 ofertas

    This is purely a UX/UI design project. Your goal will be to build a beautiful e-commerce website in FIGMA that sells a personalized health & wellness product. There are only 6 products in total. This is not a massive e-commerce stores with a lot of products. This is a unique product that is meant to help people with certain medical conditions. You will be responsible for most design elements in the website and user experience. I'm NOT looking for a page builder. I am looking for an extremely talented individual designer: * REAL designer with REAL design talent * ARTISTIC and can capture the essence of my brand and product * Understands color theory * You understand and can execute a beautiful user experience * You care about your work * Ability to rapidly prototype d...

    $523 Average bid
    $523 Média
    79 ofertas

    I need a Java application designed to track surgical instruments using RFID technology in a hospital's central sterilization unit. This system should encompass: - Inventory Management: Keeping a precise count of instruments, and aiding in efficient stock handling. - Tracking Borrowed Instruments: Monitoring instruments that are lent out to ensure accountability and timely returns. - Monitoring Return Status: Keeping an eye on the status of returned instruments to streamline the sterilization process. The system's tracking information should be displayed in a dashboard view for easy comprehension and accessibility. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Java programming. - Experience with RFID technology. - Knowledge in creating inventory management systems. -...

    $588 Average bid
    $588 Média
    34 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional English-Urdu interpreter for various settings in D...interpreter for various settings in Doha, Qatar. The interpreter will primarily provide consecutive interpretation in the following contexts: - Business meetings - Conferences - Seminars - Medical settings - Legal proceedings - Technical discussions The ideal candidate should be a legal resident of Qatar, have extensive experience in these settings, and possess excellent English and Urdu language skills. Knowledge of technical and legal terminology would be beneficial. Skills & Experience: - Proficient in English and Urdu - Extensive experience in consecutive interpretation - Familiarity with business, medical, legal and technical settings - Knowledge of relevant terminology - Profess...

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Média
    5 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled and experienced English<>Urdu interpreter ba...English<>Urdu interpreter based in Doha, Qatar. The role primarily involves consecutive interpretation for a variety of contexts including business meetings, seminars, legal proceedings, and medical appointments. Key Responsibilities: - Be a legal resident of Doha, Qatar - Be available for two or three full days - Provide consecutive interpretation during diverse events and meetings - Facilitate clear and accurate communication between English and Urdu speakers Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in consecutive interpretation - Versatile, able to handle a range of contexts from business to medical - Based in Doha, Qatar - Fluent in both English and Urdu Please submit your proposal if yo...

    $62 / hr Average bid
    $62 / hr Média
    4 ofertas

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a minimalist, professional logo for my medical clinic specializing in veins. The logo should be a combination of text and a symbol, not just a wordmark or an icon on its own. Key requirements: - Expertise in minimalist design - Experience with creating combination logos - Understanding of conveying a professional tone through design - Strong portfolio of previous logo work The ideal freelancer for this project should have an eye for simplicity and elegance, able to distill complex ideas into clean, straightforward designs. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this style.

    $41 Average bid
    $41 Média
    40 ofertas

    Project Title: Looking for Skilled Content Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: Articles, blogs, and creative story writing. Typing and Copywriting: Fast and accurate typing skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to d...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Média
    79 ofertas
    AR Human Heart Model Creation
    6 dias left

    I'm seeking a developer with strong skills in augmented reality and 3D modeling to create an interactive AR model of the human heart. Key Features: - The model is primarily intended as an educational tool, so it should b...compatible with mobile devices, providing an accessible AR experience. - I would like the level of interactivity to be 'full manipulation and simulation'. Users should be able to fully control the model, simulating different scenarios and gaining a deep understanding of the heart's workings. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in AR development and 3D modeling. - Experience creating educational tools or medical training resources. - Proficiency in mobile app development and ensuring cross-device compatibility. Please share similar projects you have ...

    $243 Average bid
    $243 Média
    5 ofertas

    ...seeking assistance with getting my Instagram business account verified. My primary goal is to boost my account's credibility. We are seeking an expert in Instagram and Meta Verified account verification to assist in verifying our medical complex's Instagram business account. Issue Details: When attempting to complete the Meta Verified payment, we receive an error stating there is a problem with identity verification. We have ensured that the account name matches our official business name and have uploaded all necessary business documents (commercial registration, medical license, etc.), but the issue persists. We have also tried different browsers and devices, yet the problem remains unresolved. Requirements: ✅ Expertise in Meta Verified and Instagram Busines...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Média
    12 ofertas

    ...looking for a talented data scientist or machine learning engineer to develop a general model, TOTEM, for handling multiple time-series datasets. Here is the research paper link : and a Github link : The model should be able to: - Handle a variety of time-series datasets including financial data, sensor data and medical data. - Create tokenized embeddings for efficient and effective time series analysis. - Predict future values, detect anomalies and classify data patterns. The ideal candidate for this project would have a strong background in time series analysis, machine learning and data science, with experience in developing models for various types of time-series datasets. Your expertise will help in creating

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Média
    3 ofertas

    Project Title: Looking for Skilled Content Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: Articles, blogs, and creative story writing. Typing and Copywriting: Fast and accurate typing skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to d...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Média
    48 ofertas