Opencv project trabalhos
Preciso de ajuda com o desenvolvimento do aplicativo/game, em Python (PyGame) + MediaPipe e OpenCV... Preciso de alguém com expertise nisso.
Escopo do Projeto: Substituição da Câmera Nativa: Desenvolver uma aplicação que se registre como uma câmera disponível no sistema Android Integrar a câmera virtual para que seja selecionável em qualquer aplicativo que utilize a câmera nativa. Intera... Implementação de técnicas de ataque adversarial. Modificação da imagem para enganar algoritmos de reconhecimento facial, se necessário. Captura de dados do acelerômetro e giroscópio. Simulação de movimento da câmera com base nos dados dos sensores. 3. Tecnologias e Ferramentas: Linguagem de Programação: Java/Kotlin. IDE: Android Studio. Bibliotecas: OpenCV (para manipula&ccedi...
Boa tarde ! ...mandam nos 2 modelos), esse projeto pode ser pego diretamente do WhatsApp da empresa onde os clientes mandam os projetos, ou pode ser pego numa pasta onde o projeto é baixado manualmente (seria melhor se for pego direto no WhatsApp, mas se for ficar muito mais caro ou ficar muito dificil, não tem problema se puxar o arquivo de uma pasta no PC. É Um projeto de imagem, logo deve ser usado biblioteca OpenCV ou alguma similar que atenda essa necessidade. A partir do projeto calcular quantas unidades do nosso produto serão utilizadas (considerando altura e largura da peça) e retorne um orçamento pronto (de preferência num arquivo aberto) para que possamos apenas colocar o CNPJ e de mais dados do cliente. Prazo para entrega...
olá, estou a procura de alguem para fazer uma aplicação em python django usando opencv para correção de folhas de respostas. estilo o aplicativo conhecido como zipgrade. vamos negociar?
uma tela em java para exibir imagem de uma webcam, utilizando opencv para detectar a presença de um objeto
Olá, preciso da resolução de dois exercicios si...notebook, portanto preciso de alguém com conhecimento nessa area. Vou deixar abaixo a descrição das duas atividades: Avaliando Linguagem natural 1 - Utilizando último dataset de linguagem natural e adicione 20% frases fictícias antes de treinar separe 10% e avalie a modelo. Conclua com sua avaliação sobre as métricas utilizadas. Poste o DataSet e o fonte (.ipynb) Processamento de imagem com opencv 2- Extraia rosto das images salvando em novo arquivo exemplo: ( existem 3 rosto) salve , e somente com o rosto. Aplique um filtro ou desenho no rosto encontrado alterando a imagem. Poste somente o fonte (.ipynb) Tenho video aula com o professor explicando c...
Outro ou sem certeza C ou C++ Um contador de veículos utilizando webcam. Tenho os tutoriais com fonte mas estou com dificuldade
...of the goals of this project, that the system works during the day and at night. In one of the codes I have it is necessary to create the count line the first time, done this, the system create the configuration files, I think this is a good option, because we do not always have the same angle to the street, that's it , A vehicle counting and classification system where the counting line can be defined and has the ability to adjust the lighting according to the time, morning, afternoon and night. This is just the first of several projects I'll need, in the next project I'll need this system to be able to run commands on Linux if the vehicle takes a different direction than expected, but then it does speed measurement and so on. This is a very inte...
Help for compiling OpenCV code (kalman filter) in Ubuntu 14 I need a vehicle counter with size classification I have a code downloaded from the internet, I need to compile it, I've tried it but I always get errors. Ajuda para compilar código OpenCV (kalman filtro) em Ubuntu 14 Preciso de um cotador de veículos com classificação por tamanho Tenho um código baixado da internet, preciso compilar ele, já tentei mas sempre obtenho erros.
Desenvolvimento de um aplicativo que obtenha como entrada dados de placas veiculares do Brasil carro,moto e caminhão (ocr/opencv/Tesseract) através de uma ou duas câmeras embarcadas e faça uma consulta em dois bancos de dados, sendo um interno e outro externo via internet com quebra de captcha, dependendo do resultado seria emitido um alerta. Preferência para profissionais de São Paulo/Capital Fico no aguardo.
Desenvolver uma aplicação em c#, pode ser com a biblioteca OPENCV ou não, que faz a leitura de uma foto "jpg" e faz a contagem dos objetos contidos nela, exemplo: imagine uma foto com girassóis, preciso, saber quantos girassóis tem nessa foto e a sua respectiva área. No anexo enviei uma foto com dois papagaios, o programa precisa identificar quantos objetos papagaio tem na foto, isso precisa ser dinamico, porque posso ter uma outra foto com outros objetos e o programa precisa fazer a contagem. Att, José Camargo
Temos em mente um sistema que possa fazer detecção de veículos como: - Placa - Modelo - Marca - Velocidade percorrida - Classificação do veículo ( carro, moto, Caminhão) - Elaborar relatório e histórico em tempo real, de veículos. - Lista negra de veículos roubados ou com pendências. Tenho algumas referências já existentes que provavelmente tenha codigo disponivel.
Boa tarde. Tem algum desenvolvedor para um aplicativo android que interligue a captura de imagens do celular( OPENCV/TESSERAT… ) com um banco de dados e o sinesp cidadão. Seria usado embarcado em um veiculo visando o combate de ilícitos penais. Aguardo maiores informações. Obrigado.
Leitura Automática de Placas de Automóveis Automatic Namber Plate Reader OCR Precisamos um aplicação para Android usando smartphone (sansung S3 e S4) utilizando bibliotecas do openCV /Tesseract ) para ser disponibilizado em smartphones de policiais. Como exemplo: Para placas de carros brasileiros com três letras e quatro números (LLLNNNN). A principio básico é o reconhecimento de placas de veículos em tempo real e simultaneamente a consulta em base de dados externa (remota). Temos uma equipe interna na nossa empresa de desenvolvedores, que pode ajudar a fazer o controle de acesso externo a base de dados remotamente e fazer uma “casca” no produto. Aguardo seus coment&aacu...
Desenvolvimento de aplicação para plataforma Android com a biblioteca OpenCV. Eclipse ou Android Studio. Visão computacional de Image: Processing, Detecion e Tracking. Mais informações com os profissionais pré-selecionados. Interessados, enviar propostas!
Procuramos programadores e desenvolvedores, com conhecimento em C/C++, que more em Sorocaba. Trabalhamos com OpenCV aqui, então será um grande diferencial conhecimento na biblioteca.
Leitura Automática de Placas de Automóveis Automatic Namber Plate Reader OCR Precisamos um aplicação para Android usando smartphone (sansung S3 e S4) utilizando bibliotecas do openCV /Tesseract ) para ser disponibilizado em smartphones de policiais. Como exemplo: Para placas de carros brasileiros com três letras e quatro números (LLLNNNN). A principio básico é o reconhecimento de placas de veículos em tempo real e simultaneamente a consulta em base de dados externa (remota). Temos uma equipe interna na nossa empresa de desenvolvedores, que pode ajudar a fazer o controle de acesso externo a base de dados remotamente e fazer uma “casca” no produto. Aguardo seus coment&aacu...
Desenvolver um sistema de visão computacional, utilizando a biblioteca OpenCV para contagem do fluxo de pessoas usando câmeras de segurança de uma placa GeoVision. Disponibilizar relatórios do fluxo por dia, hora, câmera ... além da contagem. Outras funci
I'm looking for a Face Recognition system tailored for tracking attendance in a school environment. The system needs to be capable of real-time monitoring of students as they arrive and depart. app with face detection of stored picture and upload their id with datetime via http or tcp Ideal Skills: - Expertise in implementing face recognition software Please note, t...recognition software Please note, the system does not need to integrate with existing school management software, nor does it need to send automated absence notifications. The primary requirement is the ability to track attendance in real-time. The system should store attendance data in CSV format. The app should be developed for mobile platforms including iOS and Android. The system should use OpenCV for fa...
...developing a proctoring application that conducts AI-driven interviews and tests to evaluate candidates' skills and suitability. To ensure the integrity of these assessments, we seek to outsource the development of an AI proctoring system that can effectively monitor candidates via their webcam to detect potential cheating activities in real-time. ~Project Requirements~ Tech Stack :- ### **Backend** - Python and FastAPI ### **AI & Machine Learning** - OpenCV - TensorFlow or PyTorch - MediaPipe ### **Real-Time Data Processing** - WebSockets (FastAPI's native WebSocket support) - Kafka or RabbitMQ ### **Database** (Optional) - PostgreSQL - Redis ### **DevOps & Deployment** - Docker - Kubernetes - GitHub Actions or GitLab CI/CD ### **AI Model Deploymen... in Python and OpenCV for a real-time object detection project. The primary focus is to detect people in urban streets for safety monitoring purposes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and OpenCV - Experienced in real-time object detection system development - Understanding of safety monitoring needs and methods - Knowledge of Deep Learning algorithms and frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) - Experience in training and fine-tuning machine learning models for object detection - Expertise in advanced image processing techniques Your role will involve creating a system capable of effectively identifying individuals in a bustling urban environment, with the ultimate aim of enhancing safety measures. Your expertise in this niche will be key to the success...
I'm looking for a Python expert with experience in real-time object detection. The primary focus will be on detecting vehicles and identifying their type and color. Key requirements: - Proficiency in Python and experience in real-time object detection - Expertise in image processing and computer vision techniques - Ability to develop a system for detecting vehicle...Expertise in image processing and computer vision techniques - Ability to develop a system for detecting vehicles and identifying their type and color - Experience in working with machine learning and deep learning frameworks - Good understanding of vehicle attributes and image analysis - Proficiency in using YOLO (You Only Look Once) framework for real-time object detection. - Familiarity with OpenCV for image pr...
Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled freelance Object Detection Specialist to develop a comprehensive solution for object detection in autonomous driving. This project is part of a university research initiative and involves dataset acquisition, preprocessing, model training, testing, integration with ROS (Robot Operating System), and documentation. Responsibilities: 1. Dataset Acquisition: - Research and identify suitable datasets for object detection in autonomous driving scenarios. - Ensure the dataset includes diverse and representative samples of various objects and conditions. 2. Preprocessing Pipeline: - Develop a robust preprocessing pipeline to clean, augment, and prepare the dataset for training. - Implement t...
I'm looking for a skilled Python developer with experience in image processing and web scraping. The task is to create a Python program that takes a face image as an input and searches the entire web to find out all the links whch have the face image of that person. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python and OpenCV. - Experience with web scraping. - Ability to write clean, efficient code. - Previous experience with face recognition software is a plus. The search results should be output as a CSV file. The face recognition should have a high level of accuracy to ensure precise results. The search should cover the entire open web without any specific website preferences.
I'm looking for a skilled developer with experience in OpenCV and Android Studio to create an image processing application. The app should primarily focus on edge detection. Key Requirements: - Develop an Android application using OpenCV - Implement edge detection features - Ensure the application can detect screens Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Java and Kotlin - Extensive experience with OpenCV and Android Studio - Strong background in image processing techniques - Good understanding of edge detection methods - Ability to implement object detection features
Project Description We are looking for an experienced freelancer or team to help us streamline our accounts payable process by developing an automated solution for invoice data extraction and ERP integration. By leveraging OCR and Machine Learning, we aim to reduce manual data entry errors, improve efficiency, and create structured outputs for seamless ERP integration. Objectives - Scan Supplier Invoices: Develop a system that can accept scanned images or PDFs of supplier invoices. - Data Extraction: Utilize OCR with Machine Learning to accurately extract key information from the invoices, For example: - Vendor Name - Invoice Number - Invoice Date - Total Amount - Line Items (Description, Quantity, Price) - Tax details - Other details - Output Format: Generate struct...
...etc. Output image dimensions as per different international requirements. Downloadable Output: Allow users to download final images directly. Secure and Scalable: Ensure data privacy for uploaded images. Scalable solution to handle multiple users. Preferred Technologies: Frontend: React.js, Angular, or Vue.js for UI. Backend: Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or PHP (Laravel). Image Processing: OpenCV, TensorFlow, or other relevant libraries. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Deployment: AWS, Google Cloud, or similar hosting platforms. Requirements: Proven experience in developing web applications with image processing. Familiarity with AI and ML models for image manipulation (preferred). Experience with building secure, scalable, and responsive web applications. Deliverab...
...**生命值與法力值管理**: - 使用物品自動回復 HP(生命值)和 MP(法力值)。 5. **資源利用**: - 使用完成任務所獲得的資源來進一步提升遊戲進程或支援插件其他功能。 --- ### 功能特性: 1. **任務自動化**: - 偵測任務位置或 NPC。 - 根據任務需求,按順序執行必要的操作。 2. **動態 NPC 追蹤**: - 使用圖像檢測技術(例如 PyAutoGUI 或 OpenCV 的範本匹配)辨識移動中的 NPC。 - 偵測到 NPC 時,自動移動角色與其互動。 3. **指令執行**: - 在指定的指令區域內輸入並執行指令,例如啟動任務或攻擊敵人。 4. **狀態監控**: - 定期檢查飢餓與口渴狀態(透過畫面上的數值或提示)。 - 當狀態低於設定閾值時,自動使用合適的補充品。 5. **生命值與法力值回復**: - 實時監控 HP 和 MP。 - 當數值低於危險水平時,使用補血或恢復法力的物品。 6. **資源管理**: - 自動使用任務獎勵(如遊戲內貨幣或道具),購買或補充消耗品及裝備。 --- ### 實現計劃: 1. **環境設置**: - 使用 PyAutoGUI 實現鼠標和鍵盤操作自動化。 - 利用 OpenCV 進行畫面分析和 NPC 偵測。 - 插件需能在兼容 Windows XP 的環境中運行。 2. **自動化邏輯**: - 定義觸發特定動作的條件(例如狀態閾值或 NPC 接近)。 - 使用基於循環的系統編寫重複任務腳本,並包含錯誤處理。 3. **遊戲 UI 互動**: - 映射屏幕上的重要區域,例如指令輸入區、狀態欄與物品欄。 - 使用屏幕座標執...
I need a python computer vision devloper expert in opencv to detect an object, detect its edges and the validate color size etc of each detected edges. for reference, check the attached images. please note that this is an urgent project. I need it in a day or max 2 days.
Current State - A Flutter + OpenCV C++ based app is already developed. - Users can select a bloodstain color (color picking) within the app. The selected color and the image are sent to an OpenCV C++ program, which estimates the bloodstain origin. - Currently, it is working quite well with good speed. But I just need accuracy improvement Objective - Improve the OpenCV algorithm to enhance the accuracy of bloodstain origin estimation. Evaluation Criteria - Improvement of Origin Estimation Accuracy For the provided test images (e.g., ), the following conditions must be met: The deviation between the actual and estimated coordinates should be: x-axis: ±10% y-axis: ±3cm z-axis: ±5cm The filter parameter range (e.g., Color 0~10...
Project Title: AI-Powered Question Answering App from Live Camera Feed Description: I am looking for a developer to create a mobile app that uses AI to answer questions displayed on a screen in real-time, through the phone's live camera view. Here’s the project scope: 1. Functionality: The app should use the phone's camera to continuously capture live video of a screen (e.g., laptop or monitor). The app must detect and extract text from the live camera feed (OCR technology). The extracted text (questions) should be sent to an AI model (like ChatGPT or equivalent) to generate accurate answers in real-time. The answers will be told to the user in voice/audio 2. Performance Requirements: The app should operate in real-time without requiring users to cap...
We...campaign management for franchises. - Local SEO tools and social media integration. - AI-driven customer engagement tools and review management. - Detailed analytics for multi-location performance tracking. Technical Requirements: - Front-End: React.js/Vue.js, Flutter. - Back-End: Node.js/Django, microservices architecture. - Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis. - AI Tools: TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV for recommendations, sentiment analysis, and content moderation. Timeline: MVP in 6-7 months. Submit your proposal detailing your approach, timeline, and relevant experience. Join us in building this innovative platform connecting communities and empowering businesses globally! The website should incorporate interactive and engaging elements. The design should have a modern ...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Streamlit web app that utilizes an object detection model...the detection. So if you have experienced in integrating it then task can be done early. Key Features: - The app should be able to process uploaded images and video files for object detection. - The results of the object detection need to be displayed as bounding boxes on the images or video. Reference APP Example: Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Python,OpenCV and Streamlit. - Experience with TFLite and object detection models. - Ability to design an intuitive user interface. The goal is to have a seamless, user-friendly web app that accurately processes and displays object detection in real time. Experience in similar projects will be a plus.
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in OpenCV and image processing to collaborate on a project. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a robust web application using OpenCV for image processing. - Implement advanced image processing techniques focusing mainly on object detection, image enhancement and image classification. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in OpenCV and image processing. - Experience in web application development. - Strong understanding of object detection, image enhancement, and image classification methods.
I'm seeking an OpenCV expert to automate the enhancement of my portrait photos. The developer will need to improve the brightness, contrast, and color of the photos, while also correcting the shadow and highlight parts. Key Requirements: - Use of OpenCV for photo enhancement - Automating the enhancement process - Improving brightness, contrast and color - Correcting shadows and highlights
For our windows video application we develop plugins with Python. This plugin records video and it needs some ui enhancements. The UI is displayed with imgui, controlled through. Python. You need some experience or be willing to learn: - Python - Python multimedia, e.g. OpenCV - Imgui You need a windows system and a usb camera to work on this project. After this project many more plugins will be developed.
We are developing an automated solution for lenticular image processing and printing, aimed at streamlining the traditionally labor-intensive process of aligning lenticular lenses and generating print-ready interlaced images. The project involves using a UV flatbed printer, an overhead camera system, and a Python-based web application to automate the alignment, pitch test, and printing process. The goal is to reduce human error, improve efficiency, and provide print shops with a tool that can handle variable LPI (Lines Per Inch) lenses and create precise lenticular prints. Job Description: We are looking for an experienced developer to design, implement, and optimize an automated lenticular printing solution. The ideal candidate will have experience in image processing, camera int...
Freelance Gig: Build a Rubik’s Cube Solver Website with OpenCV and ReactJS Project Overview: We need an experienced freelance developer to create a Rubik’s Cube Solver application for a website. The solver should use OpenCV for image processing and ReactJS for the frontend. The goal is to enable users to upload an image of a scrambled Rubik’s Cube or stream video from their webcam, and the system should identify the current state of the cube, solve it, and display the solving steps. Key Responsibilities: Frontend Development: Build a responsive ReactJS frontend that allows users to: Upload an image of a scrambled Rubik’s Cube. Use the webcam to capture a live feed of the cube. Display the cube’s current state and the solution steps. Inte...
...talent in the sports industry. This project combines cutting-edge technology in artificial intelligence, machine learning, video analysis, and Big Data to address key challenges in talent identification and performance analysis. We are looking for 1-2 skilled freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Core Skills Required: 1. Mobile App Development: • Android (Java/Kotlin) • iOS (Swift) or cross-platform (Flutter/React Native) 2. Backend Development: • Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or Ruby on Rails • API development (REST, GraphQL) • Database management (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) 3. AI and Machine Learning: • Building predictive models using TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Scikit-learn • Computer Vision for video an...
...and reinforcement learning. 5. Data Handling: Experience in handling and processing large datasets, including image and video data. Familiarity with data augmentation techniques and synthetic data generation. 6. Performance Tuning: Expertise in optimizing models for deployment in real-time systems and experience with GPU acceleration (e.g., CUDA, TensorRT). 7. Tools & Libraries: Proficiency with OpenCV, scikit-image, and other relevant libraries. Experience with version control systems like Git. 8. Analytical Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to think creatively and develop innovative solutions. 9. ENGLISH Communication: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to present complex technical information to non-techn...
...and reinforcement learning. 5. Data Handling: Experience in handling and processing large datasets, including image and video data. Familiarity with data augmentation techniques and synthetic data generation. 6. Performance Tuning: Expertise in optimizing models for deployment in real-time systems and experience with GPU acceleration (e.g., CUDA, TensorRT). 7. Tools & Libraries: Proficiency with OpenCV, scikit-image, and other relevant libraries. Experience with version control systems like Git. 8. Analytical Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to think creatively and develop innovative solutions. 9. ENGLISH Communication: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to present complex technical information to non-techn...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to write a script using OpenCV and OCR to analyze a pre-recorded MP4 video of mobile app interactions. The script should be able to deduce the time spent on each page, the time to the next scroll, the time spent on a product page, and when an item is added to the cart. Key Requirements: - Expertise in OpenCV and OCR - Experience with video analysis and interaction tracking - Proficiency in script writing for automated analysis - Ability to deliver detailed and accurate tracking of specified interactions The video is an MP4 format and I am primarily interested in tracking page views, scroll actions, and add to cart actions. Your script should provide insights into these interactions and help quantify user engagement with the app.
Subject: Development of Basic Paddle Match Analysis Functions I am reaching out to request your assistance in developing key functionalities for a paddle match analysis system using OpenCV. Below, I’ve outlined the basic functions we need to implement as the foundation for the project: Player and Ball Detection: Implement an object detection model to track the positions of players and the ball on the court. Automatically split the match video into sets and key points for easier analysis. Unforced Error Recognition: Program the detection of errors such as balls out of bounds or mistakes in volleys and basic strokes. Classify these errors and provide contextual data, such as the score and player positions when the error occurred. Automatic Point Counting: Detect when...
...environmental conditions such as wind, temperature fluctuations, and vibrations. Optimize sensor performance for extreme operating conditions like rain, dust, or high altitude. Use real-time diagnostic tools to monitor and adjust sensor performance dynamically during operations. Required Software and Tools Programming and Development: Python and C++: For developing AI and sensor calibration algorithms. OpenCV: For image processing and real-time video analytics. TensorFlow or PyTorch: For machine learning and deep learning-based target tracking models. Simulation and Analysis: MATLAB/Simulink: For sensor data analysis and simulation of tracking systems. ROS (Robot Operating System): For managing sensor integration and communication. Sensor Tools: LidarView or Point Cloud Library (...
Project Description We are looking for an experienced freelancer or team to help us streamline our accounts payable process by developing an automated solution for invoice data extraction and ERP integration. By leveraging OCR and Machine Learning, we aim to reduce manual data entry errors, improve efficiency, and create structured outputs for seamless ERP integration. Objectives - Scan Supplier Invoices: Develop a system that can accept scanned images or PDFs of supplier invoices. - Data Extraction: Utilize OCR with Machine Learning to accurately extract key information from the invoices, For example: - Vendor Name - Invoice Number - Invoice Date - Total Amount - Line Items (Description, Quantity, Price) - Tax details - Other details - Output Format: Generate struct...
We are a large company with 100 projects a month, seeking a team of programmers specializing in Arduino and Raspberr...List: 1. Arduino (Non-IOT) = 30$ 2. Arduino (IOT) = 35$ 3. Raspberry Pi (Non-IOT) = 40$ 4. Raspberry Pi (IOT) = 45$ 5. Arduino + Website = 50$ 6. Raspberry Pi + Website = 60$ 7. Arduino + OpenCV = 70$ 8. Raspberry Pi + OpenCV = 80$ 9. Repair Existing Coding = 10$ to 15$ Please note: - Hardware costs are the sole responsibility of the programmer. - We will not provide reimbursement or support for hardware-related expenses. - Ensure you can meet these requirements before applying. Ideal candidates will have experience with both Arduino and Raspberry Pi, as well as with IoT, Non-IoT, website integration, and OpenCV. All applicants should be capable of ...
...etc., to optimize CAPTCHA readability. - OCR Implementation: Subject to more discussion - Integration: Ensure the solution integrates seamlessly with our current Python automation scripts. - Troubleshooting: Provide support to ensure the automation process runs smoothly post-implementation. Skills Required: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with image processing libraries (e.g., OpenCV, PIL) - Expertise in OCR tools like Tesseract or similar - Familiarity with handling noisy/complex images - Strong debugging and problem-solving skills Deliverables: - A fully functional CAPTCHA-solving solution - Updated Python scripts integrated with the solution - Documentation on how the solution works and can be maintained If you have experience handling simil...
...this cutting-edge project. There’s potential for a full-time role based on performance and mutual agreement. Project Overview Our project focuses on developing a robust AI-powered system for detecting objects and motion in real-time video streams. This system is designed to minimize false alarms, optimize detection accuracy, and seamlessly integrate advanced technologies such as YOLO models and motion detection algorithms. Current Challenges: Reducing false alarms in motion and object detection. Performance optimization of detection algorithms. Efficient utilization of GStreamer for real-time video processing. Code optimization to ensure low latency and high reliability. Technologies Used Processor: RK3588 Object Detection: YOLO models Video Processing: G...
necesito programa de reconocimiento ya configurado para identificación y su posterior señalización con láser usando servo motores y una conexión inalámbrica para transmisión de video? comandos de acción e informacion.
I'm in need of a Python util function that generates a video based on provided parameters. The function should: - Take in parameters: text, animation (optional), output_filename (default: " file - Adjust the video length according to the audio length - Include subtitles synced with the audio It's important that: - The function is suitable for production environments (using Nginx Daphne) - The code is clean, maintainable and compatible with Django - You choose the best library for generating subtitles Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Python - Experienced in video manipulation (preferably with MoviePy, OpenCV, or FFmpeg) - Knowledgeable in generating subtitles (SRT-Module, FFmpeg, or others) - Familiar with Django ...