Tmg thermal analysis trabalhos
Estou em busca de um desenvolvedor NodeJS e/ou Python para desenvolver scripts/códigos dentro da plataforma (), para serem executados como Analysis (códigos gerais) e Parsers (tratamento de dados recebidos pela plataforma). A plataforma oferece a criação de contas de desenvolvedor sem custos além de vasto material com exemplos, instruções e documentação. O desenvolvedor deverá se familiarizar com a plataforma para testar todos os códigos em sua própria conta antes de entregá-lo. O primeiro entregável é um código para tratar um JSON recebido pela plataforma (parser), identificando as diferentes partes dele e armazenando os respectivos valores de interesse em variá...
Preciso de um engenheiro civil que faça um estudo de comportamento térmico para dois projetos de habitação. O primeiro projeto é de um edifício novo com 3 fogos e o engenheiro civil que faça um estudo de comportamento térmico para dois projetos de habitação. O primeiro projeto é de um edifício novo com 3 fogos e o segundo projeto se trata de uma reabilitação com 4 fogos. Pode ser feito totalmente à distância e com flexibilidade de prazos. _______________________________________________________________________ I need a civil engineer to carry out a thermal behavior study for two housing projects. The first project is a new building with 3 dwellings and the secon...
O que vais fazer na Selectra? A sua missão será gerar tráfego qualificado alinhado com os objetivos de negócio da Selectra e convertê-los em potenciais clientes. Você será responsável pelo desenvolvimento de um site, vertical ou tema concreto. Terá o apoio do seu gestor, mas espera-se ...e contratos. - Coordenação e diálogo fluido e contínuo com equipes de tecnologia, desenvolvimento de área de negócios, comercial, ppc, comunicação e rp de forma a compreender o âmbito e projeto precisa promover sinergias que garantam o alcance dos objetivos de negócios. - Melhorar a experiência do utilizador nas nossas páginas. - Captura web: análise e prop...
...automating my lead screening process. This integration aims to improve my lead generation methods and enhance customer support efficiency. Key Features: - Natural language processing to understand and respond to customer queries effectively. - Sentiment analysis to gauge customer reactions and needs. - Lead qualification to determine the likelihood of a lead becoming a paying customer. Our preferred development language for the AI agent. Ideal Skills: - Experience in AI system development - Knowledge of natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and lead qualification - Experience in WhatsApp API use and integration Your role would involve designing an AI Agent for this purpose and integrating it seamlessly with WhatsApp....
...emergency , make sure that it complies with local transit and transport regulations 9. Escalability and Flexibility: Planne the architecture of the platform in a scalable way so that it can handle an increase in the number of users, deliveries and deliveries. It also takes account of the possibility of expansion to other cities or regions in the future 10. Data analysis: Implemently data analysis tools to extract valuable insights on service performance Deve ter ligua iternacional com padrao He must have connected national with pattern languages serviços de entrega via mototáxi/carro e logística: Plataforma Online: Desenvolva uma plataforma online que permita aos clientes solicitar serviços de entrega e rastrear seus pacotes. A plataforma ...
I need a matlab code, applying PSO to optimally place and size n-numbers of DG in a distribution system IEEE-test (I have the data for 33 and 69 bus), in order to reduce the system losses and improve the voltage profile. The power flow analysis to determine system losses and voltage profile, backward and forward sweep can be applied.
...Olive) into fish oil to restore the anti-oxidant qualities lost during the oil refining process. How do we know it works? A few years ago, the VITA AS Laboratory located in Oslo (Norway) developed innovative technology in the area of blood analysis. It introduced the possibility of analyzing dried blood. Among many of the applications, the scientists behind our product saw in this scientific development a great opportunity to help customers identify how their ratio of omega 6 to 3 and following its evolution during the consumption of the oil. With the analysis performed in an independent and internationally renowned laboratory, customers can now confirm the quality of our product in relation to other Omega 3's and follow the evolution of its omega 6 to 3 ratio. 95%...
Details: 1- Website URL: 2- Target country name: United States 3- List of 3-4 main competitor website https:...we also believe that "there are no barriers between handicrafts and sculpture or painting; they are all one: building". AGREEMENT: ON-PAGE SEO OPTIMIZATION 1- Title Tags Optimization 2- Meta Description Tags Optimization 3- Header Tags Optimization 4- URL Optimization 5- Italics and Bold Tags Optimization 6- HTML Code Optimizing 7- Robots Optimization 8- Image Analysis and Optimization of Alt and Title tags 9- Hyperlink Analysis and Optimization 10-Internal Navigation Optimization 11-External Links Optimization 12-Optimized XML Site Map Creation Complete on page SEO + meta descriptions for about 70 products.
Olá Rafaela, tudo bem? Estou desenvolvendo uma dissertação, porém com a situação do corona vírus, tive que mudar de projeto menos de 2 meses para a defesa. No novo projeto preciso realizar algumas análises no GIS (DTM, DSAS analysis, estimar a taxa de erosão costeira pelo GIS e gráfico dos perfis topográgicos no excel), como tenho muito pouco tempo para escrever a tese, gostaria da sua ajuda para processar os dados. Deadline: 27/05 8am
...that access will be provided after completing the above two steps. The release of funds will be made available to Workana gradually (15% + 15% + 70%) for each stage completed via Workana. 100% payment / release from the project to the Freelancer when the three steps are completed. IMPORTANT: If you are interested in working, please request via chat / message the codes and article for analysis. From your FINAL bid....
...entrar em contato comigo se precisar de mais informações. Atenciosamente, My name is Claudia, i am an economist and an asset manager in Brazil. Aposentadoria Programada or Prevtec (i have this domains option) intend to be a plataform to sell products and services for retirement plan or retirement period. I would like to hire an agency to do a critical analysis of the business plan and help with content marketing. Do you work with projects of foreign companies? Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,...
Conhecimentos Gerais em: Montagem e Manutenção de Computadores, Redes, TCP/IP, Lan, Wan, Wireless, ADSL, Firewall, Wireless, Roteadores, Switch, Monitoramento de sites, Proxy, Office, Virtualização, Hyper-V, VMware, Virtualbox, conhecimento em implantação e administração de servidores Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2008 e 2012, IIS, DNS, DHCP, Print Server, WSUS, Isa Server, TMG e conhecimento em nuvem da Amazon e serviços de administração do Office 365 e conhecimento em monitoramento NOC tais como: Zabbix, Pruvo, Siteseeing, Rede Tronco.
Analise economica-financeira do negócio é um indicativo de sucesso do mesmo e do que pode ser feito para alcançar melhores resultados. A partir deste relatório você poderá debater com qualquer tipo de profissional a cerca dos resultados da empresa. Serve também para buscar recursos no mercado, uma vez que trata-se de um relatório idependente realizado por empresa de 8 anos de mercado e tradicionamente conhecida por sua idoneidade e performance.
Analisar alguns dados validação do scorecard de um pequeno portfolio de empréstimos
...residenciais. A empresa prestará o mesmo modelo de serviço que é feito pela , porém no Brasil. Nosso orçamento foi definido com base nas referências de mercado, porém o fato decisivo para contratação serão os trabalhos anteriores. Ou seja, não necessariamente o menor preço será o vencedor. Nossa proposta de trabalho é que o desenvolvimento seja baseado nas seguintes fases: Phase 1: Analysis & ramp-up Creative idea exchange between you and ourselves Delivery: Documento de entendimento de requerimentos: Payment = 5% do aceite do document de entendimento; Phase 2: Prototype development Look & feel design Delivery: Um mokup completo utilizando ou o Paymen...
Olá, Preciso de um logo para o meu canal de boardgames no Youtube. O nome do canal é Chega de AP (No More AP), mas o que é isso, rapaz? Já explico: AP significa Analysis Paralysis e é um termo utilizado para aquele jogador que demora muito para fazer sua jogada e acaba fazendo com que as partidas fiquem demoradas. Como a intenção do meu canal é fazer reviews rápidos de jogos de tabuleiros e card games procuro um logo que transmita essa ideia de rapidez, sem enrolação, ou seja, sem AP.
In the IT area over 13 years of which the last 13 years, serving in Systems Analysis function. Great knowledge experience in systems development area involving the identification of needs, technical and financial feasibility, development of logical and physical designs and implementation and programming, using modern technologies and IBM PC and data modeling object-oriented; experience developing event-driven language with "visual", DFD's definition, Data Flow Diagram, experience in coordinating programmers in the implementation and deployment of systems. Master the steps in systems analysis and requirements in data from users, and IT, description and specifications, diagram use case, sequence diagram, class diagram, plan to obtain software, interface mod...
... The product has a fixed price . If the client accept the price he clicks on the name of the product , a domain name for example) and then na email form opens to fill some fileds , an email is send to my email address. 3.2 Minumum Price The product has a staring page , and as the same way with fixed price , na email form will send na email for my analysis ========================================== This is the main project ....
Ajuda para trabalho de finanças empresariais. Restante informação em anexo,
Quero otimizar meu site nas buscas fazendo onsite as seguintes as ações abaixo para que a palavra chave: cabelo e maquiagem nas pesquisas apareca o site as seguintes açoes alem das suas tecnicas de seo: 1. initial website analysis 2. keyword research and traffic analysis 3. competitors analysis 4. search engine + directory submission 5. on page optimization 6. social bookmarking 7. Blog + Forum submission 8. Press releases and classified ads 9. Article Submission 10. Quality link building 11. Ranking and analytic reports 12. website structure optimization 13. meta tag optimization 14. content optimization 15. image optimization 16. sitemap creation 17. creation 18. rss feed creation 19. google feed setup ção d...
usar programa R para analisar dados de comunidades de insetos, necessito taxas de parasitismo, mortalidade, abundância e riqueza de espécies, sazonalidad, redes de interacción
...banco de dados mysql, sql server, aplicação de xamarin para desenvolver web mobile windows phone, android studios desenvolvimento em Android mobile, desenvolvimento com xcode para aplicativos IOS. Abaixo as especialidades do Linkedin: SEO - Android-Eclipse-adobe Flash- Graphic Design -Google Analytics- Internet - jQuery -Layout - Microsoft Office -Microsoft Word -Microsoft Excel - Market Analysis- Newsletters- New Business Development PowerPoint- Publishing- Small Business - User Interface Design JavaScript- Photoshop- Adobe Fireworks - javascript- php- html5- css-c++ c#, .Net- ftp- banco de dados mysql- sql server, aplicação de xamarin para desenvolver web mobile windows phone, android studios desenvolvimento em Android mobile, desenvolvimento...
Análise e/ou preenchimento de dados. Construção de gráficos, planilhas, fórmulas. Analysis and / or fill data bases. Graphics development, spreadsheets.
Criação de logotipo para uma empresa especializada em análise de dados. A empresa se chama "Sphaera Data" e nos propomos a trabalhar com Data Science (Big Data). Logo design for a company specializing in data analysis. The company is called " Sphaera Data" and we intend to work with Data Science (Big Data).
Desenvolvimento de site wordpress - Consultoria em compras<br /><br />Preciso de um portal, onde eu possa apresentar a empresa (institucional - missão, valores, autor etc, blog para publicar artigos, e noticias).<br /><br />Apresentar os serviços:<br /><br />(Para comprador - Spend analysis, Strategis Sourcing, Consultoria em processos de compra), Gostaria de colocar um "videozinho" explicando cada um deles, ou então uma explicação no corpo do e-mail, sei que isso não muda mundo o preço, para a aplicação, porem o desenvolvimento do vídeo tem um custo que ainda estou avaliando. <br /><br />(Para fornecedor - Anúncios com a...
as discussed........s discussed as discussed........s discussed as discussed........s discussed
...nossa estratégia de comunicação, visando maximizar nossa presença online. Nosso objetivo inicial é aumentar o numero de pessoas que se inscrevem no programa, e paralelamente: -Análise da usabilidade do site e formas de otimizá-lo -Aumentar o numero de likes no FB (otimização de conteúdo, best practises para campanhas do Facebook ads, etc) -Otimizar nosso SEO off e online (keyword research and analysis, website saturation and popularity, backlinks, etc) -Entender por meio do Google Analytics qual o impacto de nossas campanhas e postagens, definição de Goals e Tags -Captar mais pessoas que assinam nosso newsletter Para os freelancers selecionados enviaremos os links de nossas plataformas digitais ...
...a imagem pode ser determinada por vários Pixels mas não obrigatoriamente. Deixo a cargo da criatividade de vocês, Obrigado e aguardo os modelos. The company name is PIXELWAY, the idea is to have a logo that is both lightweight and colorful appearance, the image can be determined by several Pixels but not necessarily. I leave in charge of the creativity of you. Thanks and hope the models for analysis...
...a imagem pode ser determinada por vários Pixels mas não obrigatoriamente. Deixo a cargo da criatividade de vocês, Obrigado e aguardo os modelos. The company name is PIXELWAY, the idea is to have a logo that is both lightweight and colorful appearance, the image can be determined by several Pixels but not necessarily. I leave in charge of the creativity of you. Thanks and hope the models for analysis...
...a imagem pode ser determinada por vários Pixels mas não obrigatoriamente. Deixo a cargo da criatividade de vocês, Obrigado e aguardo os modelos. The company name is PIXELWAY, the idea is to have a logo that is both lightweight and colorful appearance, the image can be determined by several Pixels but not necessarily. I leave in charge of the creativity of you. Thanks and hope the models for analysis...
as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB as discuss via PMB
Desenvolver um projeto que analise de métricas baseadas nas API's fornecidas pelo facebook. Develop an online platform for search and analysis metrics information from facebook.
sent via email.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
...developers and media buyers to ensure seamless ecommerce functionality. Preferred Qualifications: (Note: These are preferred but not required. We encourage you to apply even if you don’t meet all of these criteria.) Positive, collaborative attitude Advanced knowledge of Figma (components, design systems) Experience with Elementor and Wordpress Familiarity with web traffic data and user behavior analysis 3 years of Wordpress production and web design experience 2 years of experience designing mobile-first interfaces Proficiency with HTML/CSS, basic understanding of JavaScript Experience designing high-fidelity assets in Photoshop and Figma Knowledge of Web graphics compression and optimization Experience managing design systems in Figma Familiarity with Tailwind...
...and media buyers to ensure seamless ecommerce functionality. Preferred Qualifications: (Note: These are preferred but not required. We encourage you to apply even if you don’t meet all of these criteria.) - Positive, collaborative attitude - Advanced knowledge of Figma (components, design systems) - Experience with Elementor and Wordpress - Familiarity with web traffic data and user behavior analysis - 3 years of Wordpress production and web design experience - 2 years of experience designing mobile-first interfaces - Proficiency with HTML/CSS, basic understanding of JavaScript - Experience designing high-fidelity assets in Photoshop and Figma - Knowledge of Web graphics compression and optimization - Experience managing design systems in Figma - Familiarity with Tailwind...
I'm seeking assistance with evaluating five proposals for a single project. The focus of this task will be a comprehensive cost analysis, specifically targeting the overall project expenses. The evaluation does not require the inclusion of financial projections or forecasts, but purely an assessment of current costs. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Strong analytical skills with a focus on cost evaluation - Experience in proposal assessment - Ability to present findings in a clear and concise manner
I'm in need of an artificial intelligence solution that can help with casual wear garment product identification. This AI should be capable of detecting different fabrics and identifying trims. Key Requirements: - The AI must be able to deliver high-resolution images. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in AI and machine learning. - Exper...artificial intelligence solution that can help with casual wear garment product identification. This AI should be capable of detecting different fabrics and identifying trims. Key Requirements: - The AI must be able to deliver high-resolution images. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in AI and machine learning. - Experience in fashion industry is a plus. - Proficient in image processing and analysis. - Familiarity with fabric and trim ...
Project: Multi-Modal Analysis of Women's Success in STEM Overview: I'm seeking a skilled writer/researcher with expertise in STEM education, data analysis, and academic writing to assist in crafting a comprehensive, publication-ready research paper. The paper will delve into the factors contributing to women's success in STEM fields, leveraging a dataset of over 100+ survey responses. Key Tasks: Manuscript Refinement: Structure the existing draft into a clear, coherent IEEE-formatted paper. Ensure adherence to Scopus indexing guidelines. Strengthen the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion sections. Incorporate appropriate citations and references. Data Analysis Enhancement: Deepen the analysis of survey data, ...
I need a professional who can help me with my WordPress Multisite. - Current Situation: I've submitted my XML sitemap, and I am using Yoast SEO. However, many of my pages are still not being indexed. - Required: Expert analysis in Google Search Console and fixing of any issues. - Ideal Skills: SEO expertise, WordPress proficiency, experience with Yoast SEO, knowledge of Google Search Console. Looking forward to your bids.
I'm seeking an experienced business consultant with a strong focus on market research and digital marketing strategies, particularly in the realm of social media. Key Requirements: - Conduct comprehensive market research and analysis to identify potential opportunities and threats. - Develop effective social media marketing strategies to enhance our brand visibility and engagement. - Provide insightful business consulting to guide our overall marketing efforts. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in market research and analysis. - Expert in social media marketing. - Strong business consulting background. - Excellent communication and analytical skills.
I'm seeking a skilled Unity Developer who can help automate data analysis tasks in Excel. The primary focus will be on statistical analysis of financial data. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Unity, with experience in Excel automation. - Strong understanding of statistical analysis techniques. - Prior experience working with financial data. Ideal Skills: - Data analysis - Excel - Unity development - Financial data interpretation - Statistical analysis Thanks for bidding:)
I need someone with knowledge or experience with California Prison Tablets serviced by Global Tel Link. I am primarily looking to view messages on the tablet. Periodic updates on contacts would be appreciated, but not necessary. The information accessed will be for personal use. Ideal Skills: - Knowledge of Global Tel Link services - Experience with California Prison Tablets - Data analysis skills - Discretion and confidentiality Please provide your experience with similar projects in your bid.
I'm seeking a skilled data analyst to work with a healthcare dataset. The project involves several stages, with a particular focus on building a dashboard in Power BI. Key tasks dataset. The project involves several stages, with a particular focus on building a dashboard in Power BI. Key tasks include: 1. Selecting an appropriate healthcare dataset. 2. Performing ETL and exploratory data analysis (EDA). 3. Creating a comprehensive and insightful Power BI dashboard focused on treatment outcomes. 4. Conducting statistical analysis or machine learning modeling if necessary. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in data analysis, experience with Power BI, and a solid understanding of healthcare data. Skills in statistical analysis...
I'm in the process of launching a food truck startup and I'm in need of a comprehensive business plan. The primary purpose the process of launching a food truck startup and I'm in need of a comprehensive business plan. The primary purpose of this plan is to attract potential investors. What I need: - A detailed business plan that outlines the vision, mission, and operation of my food truck business. - A strong financial projection that can convince investors of the viability of the business. - A thorough market analysis that illustrates the potential for growth in the food truck industry. Ideal freelancer will have: - Previous experience in creating business plans, specifically for food-related startups. - Strong financial forecasting skills. - Excellent mark...
I'm looking for a seasoned geotechnical engineer to help with foundation recommendations for a slab-on-grade residential building in New Mexico. Key Responsibilities: - Assess soil stability and determine appropriate foundation solutions - Provide cost-effective yet reliable recommendations - Consider potential water drainage issues in the analysis Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive background in geotechnical engineering - Previous experience with residential building foundation recommendations - Strong understanding of soil stability and water drainage concerns - Ability to provide cost-efficient solutions without compromising quality I'm looking for an expert who can ensure the building's foundation is robust and reliable, taking into account the unique so...
I'm seeking a professional to craft a compelling business plan for my cleaning service, specifically hood and grease trap cleaning. This plan will be instrumental for securing a grant. Key components to include: - Detailed overview of the service industry - Specific focus on our niche in hood and grease trap cleaning - Market analysis and potential growth - Financial projections and funding requirements - Strategies for sustainability and profitability Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in writing business plans, particularly for service-oriented businesses - Understanding of the cleaning industry - Ability to present data in a clear, persuasive manner - Strong financial acumen I'm aiming for a comprehensive yet concise plan that showcases the viability ...
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...prediction app. The app is designed for trainers to upload client workout data, which the app will then analyze to predict workout splits for new clients based on their strength levels. Essential Features: - Trainer login and dashboard: The app needs a secure trainer interface where they can manage their clients and access workout analysis. - Client workout data upload: Trainers should be able to input workout data for each client. - Predictive workout split analysis: The core function of the app is its ability to predict workout splits for new clients using uploaded data. Data Collection: The app should require trainers to manually enter client workout data. This will ensure the data is accurate and tailored to each individual client. Deliverables: Fully functional Flu...