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Contest Entry Upgrades

Entering contests is a great way to earn money and showcase your talents and creativity. There are two upgrades that can help you improve your chances of winning.

In the Promote my entry section of your submission form, select any of them before you click Post My Entry. It might just be the X factor that wins you the prize money.


Highlight Entry 

The Highlight Entry upgrade is an option for freelancers to feature their entries with a yellow ribbon on its top left part, making it stand out from all other entries. It incurs a fee of only $0.50 USD.

The example below shows a highlighted entry (Entry #50). 


Sealed Entry 

A Sealed Entry upgrade is an option for you to ensure that your entry is unique and original. The entry will only be visible to the contest holder and yourself until the contest is awarded. This feature incurs a fee of only $0.50 USD.

The example below shows an entry that has been sealed (Entry #8).

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