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$8 USD / hora
Bandeira do(a)
Argentina (12:27 PM)
Entrou em março 10, 2006
$8 USD / hora
ABOUT AGUSTÍN GARZÓN MASON / advertising services Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Agustin Garzon, and Advertising Career Graduate, specialized in appealing visual communications for digital and analog media, residing in the province Cordoba, Argentina. The services I provide are mainly based in messages creation and its proper interaction to orchestrate them according to the targeted audiences and media, specially internet, relying in then audiovisual language. Nowadays, I’m a freelancer business consultant, offering a wide range of communication services, with special interest in web technology, with my own portfolio. As expected of a professional like my embedded into this industry, for the last years I’ve been developing and making the most of the evolving possibilities that Internet brings into our hands, doing as much for the enterprise as for the individual, whether it’s about a small, yet professional project or a long and complex one. My freelance type of business practice, along a portfolio of my own, has made me able to build up a distinguished proposal, not only in quality but in price, and also develop a sharp marketing perception, identifying quickly and efficiently the specific needs of a client and its respective, most adequate solutions. You can trust Agustín Garzón to respond to your consultancy requests. You can trust Agustín Garzón to be your next advertising service provider.
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