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$15 USD / hora
Bandeira do(a)
United States (1:58 AM)
Entrou em janeiro 28, 2006
$15 USD / hora
47 year old down to earth, straoght forward soul with 20 years+ business experience plus formal education in business administration & accounting. Natural kind of girl who enjoys the outdoors fighing, camping, organic gardening, flower beds, hiking and just being outside. But my interests and enjoyment is not just limited to the outdoors. Cooking and all sorts of arts and crafts also tickle my fancy as well as enjoying building our enterprise to help others become self supporting. There is a saying that I live by and that is:"you can't keep what you have unless you give it away" This is one that I have found to be quite true and this is in part why I share my experience, strength and hope with others who may be in similar positions or have been hit by our ever-changing economy. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit, this combined with my love of psychology and business led to my formal education which really paid off big later on when I became a single mom of three sons. I found out early on the benefits of being in business for myself.
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