Concept Image - Lightning Buggs

por ConnorJohnston
Concept Image - Lightning Buggs
Concept Image - Lightning Buggs
Concept Image - Lightning Buggs

These pieces were concept images for a possible animation. All the artwork was created and compiled in Flash CS4 as a trial. One of these scenes was to be used in several shots so was created at a very high resolution.

image of username ConnorJohnston Flag of Australia Brisbane, Australia

Sobre Mim

Hey there, My name is Connor Johnston and I have a passion for creative thinking. I am in my 3rd year of a Bachelor of Animation, Majoring in 2D Animation, at Queensland College of Arts (Griffith University). I have worked on freelance projects before and work in a Visual Media Production house. I work devotedly hard in the field I love. I have skills in 2D Animation and Motion Graphics, Illustration, including character design and environment design, Graphic design, and have worked with Actionscript programming in the form of Flash Banners, limited Website design and other small Flash elements. Above all, I feel a responsibility to the Client to produce high quality and exquisite productions.

$30 USD/h

