My name is Michael Mifsud I have been developing online software applications since 2002. In that time I have gained commercial experience in the followin:
* HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, XML, etc...
* PHP (Symfony, wordpress, and many others)
* SQL (MySQL, posress, MSSQL)
* OOP (using patterns and UML concepts)
* Extreem Programming and Test driven development techniques.
* Linux (Debian based systems. eg: Ubuntu)
* Apache configuration
* Webservice Communications (XML/SOAP)
* Document Object Model (DOM) API's
* MySQL Relational Database
* Postgress Relational Database
* Developing software release systems
* Developing software requirement/bug tracking systems
* Source Code Control (CVS, Subversion)
I also have non-commercial experience in Perl, Java/JavaME, WML, C/C++, OpenGL, OpenAL.
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