My Picture for Freelancer with my Details in living

por islambangla
My Picture for Freelancer with my Details in living

Name: Md Nurul islam S/o: Late: Mr.Shahid Ullah. Mothers Name: Nurzahan Begum. Permanent Address: C/o: Islam Valli,Charmin Bari. Village: North Abdul Nabi. Post Office: Samash Poor. Police Station: Dagonvhunia. District: Chittagong. Country: Bangladesh. Present Address: C/o: Flat No-13, Advocate Building Village: Miakhan Road, Kalamia Bazar Post Office: GPO Postal Code:4000 Police Station: Bakalia. District: Chattogram. Country: Bangladesh. Experience: Computer Hardware, Graphics Design, Mobile Servicing, Office Management, video editing etc.

image of username islambangla Flag of Bangladesh Chattogram, Bangladesh

Sobre Mim

Dear all I hope i will work with you long time and i can promise that i can give my performance. please give your project details with [login to view URL] that i arrange better quality work for you

$3 USD/h

