.Net Developer, ASP.Net, Websites, Windows Applications, Payment Gateways
$35 USD / hora
United States (7:28 PM)
Entrou em setembro 20, 2005
$35 USD / hora
- More than 8 years programming and application experience in various web and non-web development platforms.
- Skilled both in Programming and Network Technologies.
- Languages: ·
+ Proficient in: Microsoft .Net Web and Windows Applications, Visual Basic®, C, Lotus Script, SQL·
+ Familiar with: C#, Java, AS400, Macromedia Flash 5.0 and above, PERL Software·
+ Database: Microsoft SQL Server, MySql Server, Domino Server and Microsoft Access·
+ Platforms: Microsoft Windows® 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 98; Familiar with Linux Based Platforms BSD,
Red Hat
- Nexxus Gate, LLC
+ Chief Software Architect/Network Administrator
+ Developed and marketed all aspects of the Nexxus Crossroads Application Suite including online websites
[login to view URL] and [login to view URL] (application for human service providers)
+ Developed online application for smaller facilities to track Incidents, Restraints, Medications, Behaviors and various
other database related functions via the Internet. Visit [login to view URL] for more information.
+ Developed websites for the Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis: [login to view URL] , Professional Crisis Management
Association: [login to view URL] , and the Mapleway Community, LLC: [login to view URL].
- Human Service Agency
+ Certified Lotus Notes Programmer/Developer
+ Developed Lotus Notes applications utilizing C, Java, Lotus Script and Lotus Command Language.
+ Developed applications for Absentee Requests, Employee Scheduling and Timecards, Client Tracking Databases, Payroll, and
various other key applications from testing phase to completion.
- TecZilla Inc.
+ Programmer¨ Developed TecZilla’s Main Application called the ‘Donnie Base’, which was a database application that tracked
customers who called in with support questions on Gateway and Dell pc’s.
+ Managed all IT Functions for the small 40 person center based out of Sioux Falls, SD.
+ North Dakota State University
+ Fargo, North Dakotav Computer Science
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