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$25 USD / hora
Bandeira do(a)
Turkey (3:16 PM)
Entrou em fevereiro 1, 2008
$25 USD / hora
05.2011- Ticket Master Unix-Linux Administrator Working as a full time IT mentor and administrator on unix&linux systems and databases.Provide support and development according to requirements. 07.2008-05.2011 Turkcell Technology Information Technologies Engineer 0stanbul Working for Turkcell Tehcnology as QAS Engineer in forensic operations division. Basicly I install and implement the project systems on their own locations and manage the systems from Turkey. I'm also responsible from databases (oracle and mysql) and operating systems (such as linux, unix and windows server series) here are my skills that I develop myself in turkcell : mobile layers, ss7, oracle, unix, lnux, mysql 01.2005-06.2008 BUSINESS CHANNEL TV - DNA MEDYA GRUP Information Technologies Manager 0stanbul I was the IT manager of the two tv channels(business channel and expo channel) that streams to europe & turkey.I worked 3 years; managed internet projects,information technologies structure,intranet and streaming servers.After the goverment closed business channel I found a new job. 10.2003-12.2004 ABACI A.S. Information Technologies Manager Eski_ehir system analyst and dba/unix administrator.I was administrating the oracle db and sco unix with 200+ clients.I got a WAN and clients from several locations around Turkey connected to one management console through leasedlines or frame relays. I was responsible also from network operations.
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