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Cedric F.


$50 USD / hora
Bandeira do(a)
Philippines (10:52 AM)
Entrou em junho 20, 2006
$50 USD / hora
WORK EXPERIENCE December 05, 2003 to Present Systems Administrator The Doctors’ Hospital Inc., B.S. Aquino Drive, Bacolod City • Updates & Maintain Server running on Red Hat Linux & Novell. • Teaches end user about the updated program made by the programmer. • Troubleshoots Hardware & Software Programs. • Troubleshoots PABX. • Send & Receives faxes. June 16, 1997 to February 28, 2001 Systems Administrator WorldTel Phils Bacolod. San Juan Luzuriaga St., Bacolod City • Updates & Maintains server running on Red Hat Linux. • Adds & Delete usernames of clients and maintain safe keeping of emails. • Trouble Hardware & Software Program, both on the office & on the client end. • Entertain client calls & troubleshoots either by phone or through demands. • Print out billing statements & send it to clients. • Trouble shoots router problems. • Web Page Graphic Design: Designs web page for the clients • Downloading & Uploading of Security files. April 01, 1996 to May 10, 1996 Apprentice Traders Royal Bank San Juan Luzuriaga St., Bacolod City • Print -out monthly statements of clients. • Trouble shoots Hardware & Software Programs. • Segregates & Categorize current & savings account. • Entertain client calls and sometimes does some marketing.
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