• Graduate Engineer ([login to view URL].(Hons) in Computer Science and Engineering) from IIT Kharagpur.
• 17+ years experience in the technology industry.
• Management exposure including project leadership, customer relationship management , crisis management, knowledge management and business process management. Recipient of Certification on Project Management.
• IEEE Certified Software Professional (2005)
• Multiple patent filings [e.g., 12/436,039 , 12/869,642 , <PCT> 2012/027697 , 13/167,422 , <PCT>13/946540, 13/764,792]
• Worked on diverse platforms and technologies including J2EE, Middleware, BigData, MachineLearning, Oracle technologies, C++, Java, .NET, EDA and Mainframes. Exposure to complete software lifecycle.
• Recipient of number of professional certifications
• LinkedIn: [login to view URL]
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