por pramod392kumar

Hind Tours and Travels A site made available for the people seeking to go for Haj, Umrah and other travel purposes. You can find different fair if you plan to travel anywhere over here.

image of username pramod392kumar Flag of India Lucknow, India

Sobre Mim

Hi, I will do this work as per your requirement. I have 15 years experience in development and designing. I have made many projects like CMS, Job portal, E-commerce, website designers website, construction base website, blogs, forum, social networking site and many more. Set Skills Programming in PHP version 8.2 and Mysql 8.0.29 and Sever2.0c and Web, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3 and using Latest technologies. Dreamweaver CS5 and Photoshop CS5.

$35 USD/h