por R0NBIR

I will provide expert support with perfect results for the employer. Sincere, reliable and remarkable professional work is what you get to create a professional working relationship to any oDesk employer. I have experience in the following areas: Administrative Support, Graphics Design, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Logo Design, Banner Design, Blog Design, Web Research, Data Entry, Article Writing, Executive, Personal Assistant, Creative Writing, Customer Service, WordPress Design. I scrutinize every angle, triple check all work and perfecting it over-all before we send it to our boss. I always go the extra mile to retain their trust and satisfaction.We won't bid and accept invitation or offers if we have a single doubt that we will not get 5-stars for feedback. I'm working very hard for achieving my goal and building my career. I am available 100 hours per week. Thanks

image of username R0NBIR Flag of Bangladesh DHAKA, Bangladesh

Sobre Mim

Sincere, reliable and remarkable professional work is what you get to create a professional working relationship to any employer.I scrutinize every angle, triple check all work and perfecting it over-all before I send it to my boss. I always go the extra mile to retain their trust and satisfaction.I won't bid and accept invitation or offers if I have a single doubt that I will not get 5-stars for feedback. I always work very hard for achieving my goal and building my career. I am currently available 70 hours per week.

$3 USD/h