Digitization of maps / drawings:
Conversion of Paper maps/drawings into Digital formats, Map Conversion, Creation of Digital Elevation Maps.
GIS Conversions: Conversion of 2D drawings into 3D DEM, covering contours, roads, rail roads, water bodies, administrative boundaries and all types of topographical features.
Image Processing: Stitching, stretching, editing and Geo-referencing of scanned images with real world coordinate systems
Vector Re-alignment: Realignment of vectors with new images
Consultancy: Having got the capability and expertise to undertake projects on a large-scale, We Provide consultancy on GIS such as:
A) Assessment of information needs in relation to geographic context of the clients’ operations, procedures for data collection and entry, evaluation of required hardware and software.
B) Designing appropriate GIS system as per the information needs of the clients and associated work flow.
C) Developing GIS solutions and integration of GIS with MIS.
D) Developing tools and
E) Support development of spatial databases from maps, survey data, ortho images, etc.
Domain Expertise:
Telecom networking, Town Planning, Water Management, Electricity, Facility Management and Asset Management.
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