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$40 USD / hora
Bandeira do(a)
United States (7:59 AM)
Entrou em dezembro 1, 2006
$40 USD / hora
I am an experienced Enterprise Application Architect with more than 7 years of experience using Java Enterprise Edition, more than 4 years of experience in Web Services, and more than 11 years of experience in delivering outstanding Information Solutions to various clients. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Triangle Development & Properties, LLC December, 2006 Enterprise Application Architect Designed, developed, and implemented Enterprise Software Solutions. Installed and configured a JBoss application server and a MySQL database application server. Designed, developed, and implemented a J2EE Contact Management software application using Java Enterprise technologies with the Spring framework for MVC implementation and Hibernate for O/R mapping. BANK OF AMERICA Technical Lead Lead a team in the roll-out of a high-profile, internet-based financial application. Architected and designed a Java Enterprise application for an internet-based e-commerce web site used to provide visitors with information about retirement goals and advice on meeting those goals. Implemented Struts 2 for MVC, Hibernate for ORM against an Oracle back-end, and Spring for dependency injection, transaction management, and Aspect-Oriented Programming. Lead a team of 7 developers from a technical standpoint. This included training new developers, mentoring less experienced developers, providing overall architectural advice, solving technical problems, implementing a software configuration management strategy, and recommending industry-accepted best practices. Responsible for day-to-day build integrity and conducting weekly showcases for the business to demonstrate project progress. TIAA-CREF October, 2006 - April, 2008 Technical Lead Responsible for oversight of Java Enterprise software development initiatives. Provided architectural guidance and design documentation for a web application used to maintain information about 403(b) plans for non-profit organizations. The application ran within a Weblogic container in a multi-tiered environment also utilizing Apache, web services, and Siebel. Implemented a framework for server-side unit testing using StrutsUnit and Cactus. This actually improved the efficiency of the team by automating several unit tests which before were run manually. Responsible for overall system development oversight, including time estimates, requirements verification, and best practices. Conducted formal technical documentation reviews, including obtaining the necessary approvals before the implementation phase. Responsible for the integration of dependent software components developed by other teams within the organization. These included business objects developed in Java as well as XML schemas used to validate Java-produced XML documents. Recommended and performed necessary refactoring development work to optimize code, improve runtime performance, and conform the application source to contemporary design patterns. Utilized JAXB for XML/Java conversion within a corporate-specific framework used to perform create, retrieve, update, and delete tasks on persisted information. IBM September, 2003 - October, 2006 Enterprise Application Architect Architected and designed J2EE software within a Websphere environment for a variety of projects. Designed an application which automated software component building and assembly for IBM’s Systems and Technology Group. The application was implemented within a Websphere environment, utilizing J2EE and Struts technologies and a DB2 database. Implemented web service technology for remote operation invocation from an external application. Utilized a variety of contemporary J2EE design patterns to enable newer, but J2EE-experienced, team members to quickly understand the software design. Designed several Data Access Objects for J2EE applications, which were implemented with DB2 data sources and SQL statements. The Data Access Objects were used to store and retrieve persisted information for over 80 fully normalized DB2 tables. Designed and implemented a distributed object application, utilizing J2EE in conjunction with Rimage software, which enabled users to quickly produce software component CDs. Handled team lead responsibilities including training, consensus building, configuration management, and technology decision making, in a highly visible software development project. Utilized Rational XDE to model software architecture and use cases, train team members, and educate team members concerning overall system design. Developed JUnit test cases for automated testing of distributed and non-distributed software. Implemented an automated nightly build system which extracted the latest software code updates from a repository, compiled it, assembled it as an application, deployed it, and executed the JUnit test cases against it. The build system also produced a report indicating the test failures (if any) and where they occurred. Responsible for data modeling, including the translation of business information requirements into XML representation, relational representation, and logical representation within a distributed object environment. GlaxoSmithKline October, 2000 – August, 2003 Enterprise Application Architect Full SDLC involvement as team lead for a J2EE application used to catalog information about various biological specimens. Utilized Enterprise Java Beans to persist and retrieve data from over 40 normalized Oracle tables. Installed and configured Weblogic on multiple platforms, trained others to use Weblogic, and deployed enterprise applications to Weblogic. Utilized Rational Rose to model enterprise application design and use cases. Implemented web service technology to facilitate the retrieval of biological information without the use of the application’s user interface. Implemented modular ANT scripts for periodic software builds. Utilized Netscape’s Directory SDK for LDAP-based retrieval of salient employee information from the corporate directory. Created client-side dynamic web pages using DHTML Created server-side dynamic web pages using JSP. Analysts International Corporation October, 1996 – October, 2000 Software Developer Designed and implemented an object-oriented application used to maintain information pertaining to various software components for IBM’s Personal Systems Group. Developed Java applications and incorporated them in a groupware environment to perform automated update tasks on back-end databases. Utilized XML with XSLT to produce and broadcast HTML reports for specific software components. Utilized Java with JDOM to extract information from a Lotus Domino repository and translate it into XML format. Performed Lotus Domino system administration and application development tasks for more than 12,000 users at a Fortune 500 finance company. EDUCATION LaSalle University M.B.A., Management Information Systems, 1994 DeVry Institute of Technology B.S., Telecommunications Management, 1992
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