The Dark Man

por vikram2dreams
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The dark man is a physics based shooting game. It is described as a game where an user can enjoy both win and lose. The concept was inspired by two great games. It

image of username vikram2dreams Flag of India Hyderabad, India

Sobre Mim

CreateJS, Phaser, ImpactJS, Cocos2DJS, Flash, Mobile game developer with more than 7 years of experience. I have done several games for both mobile and web. One of my previous games won an award for best game in online games category. I have good experience in Unity, Starling, Feathers, Box2D, CreateJS, Phaser, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Native Android, iOS. I have good communication skills and available to communicate at any flexible time that suits for client timezone. Over the years I have learned and will continue to learn on how to write efficient and beautiful code that runs smoothly across all devices.

$30 USD/h