Freelancer: MforDARK
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my another entry

I hope you'll like it.. Will wait for your feedback.. thank you

Inscrição nº 35 do Concurso para                                                 Cartoon Style Game Character Illustration Contest
Inscrição nº35

Painel de Comentários

  • dooub
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás

    Hi, we liked both of the characters and your styling does fit our game. However, the characters are 'dog race' and upgraded one needs to change pose. Thanks.

    • 10 anos atrás
    1. MforDARK
      • 10 anos atrás

      Thank you.. I'll make those changes.. Can you please tell me what exactly I need to do to make them feel like they are dog race?? Please help me with this..

      • 10 anos atrás