Freelancer: sankalp
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Sorry about the incovenience. Please check this. I haven't added any background music because i guess, it is to go with the video that is being designed separately....

Inscrição nº 6 do Concurso para                                                 Create a voice over for a video script
Inscrição nº6

Painel de Comentários

  • akayasolutions
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás

    Good start but audio is abit low and clowdy. please lt it more clearer. i want tv or radio quality

    • 10 anos atrás
    1. akayasolutions
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 10 anos atrás

      Thank you for your effort.

      • 10 anos atrás
    2. sankalp
      • 10 anos atrás

      My pleasure! Nice that you got what you needed. :)

      • 10 anos atrás