Freelancer: claudiarecords
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Brief resolution animation, modelling and render

I made a brief animation in low resolution render. Some models render in static image. Have a look in:

Inscrição nº 2 do Concurso para                                                 Create an Animation for our products
Inscrição nº2

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  • claudiarecords
    • 10 anos atrás

    I made a brief animation in low resolution render. Some models render in static image. Have a look in:
    All the textures could be changed. I made the models base in the image from your web. I had to use my imagination as the graphic doesn't show a good resolution imagen but draws.
    The very short animation is just for example. I will make the full animation in hight resolution if you like my sample. It take long time to render.
    Please, let me know if you like my models and if you think I could go forward with the project.
    Be free to contact with me if you have any questions or if I could be in further help.
    Best regards,
    Livan Valladares Martell

    • 10 anos atrás