Freelancer: PhilKol
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Syenite Heads

Inspired by late modernist sculptors such as Barbara Hepworth, Brian Wilsher, Doris Chase or Jaroslav Rona. The idea is that sculpture has built-in light source and at the same time it produces fog, so the volumetric light creates shadow and light play. Maybe using the smoke is not that unique idea, but I cannot remember anybody else using it besides Antony Gormley or John Gerrard...

Inscrição nº 2 do Concurso para                                                 Design Extremely Large Abstract Art Piece to be used in video game
Inscrição nº2

Painel de Comentários

  • roccoharo
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 3 anos atrás

    How do people interact with it?

    • 3 anos atrás
    1. PhilKol
      • 3 anos atrás

      When spectator comes closer, object starts to evaporate the fog. In real life it would be done by the simple photocell or Kinect set-up. Another idea might be that amount of light would be defined by the amount of spectators around the object (more people - more light

      • 3 anos atrás