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JSON Driven Javascript Content Slider

hello, i've used JSON format instead of xml as it very simple and straight forward to use and write. it loads the json file within the same directory, parse it, create the slider elements and start the animations. as you can see from the screenshots i provided, the json format can contain any parameters we need to further customize the slides, it comes with 43 different animations, the animations can be specified in the json for each element (text,image) or can be randomly selected by the script. the template have 5 different color schemes that can be selected in the json file and will be used on any slide that does not have a background image defined. I can write a small web application in php that will generate the slides and json all bundled up in a zip file that can be deployed anywhere, this tool can be a visual builder for the slider.hope you like it. Here is a video of the slider in action :

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