Freelancer: kazierfan
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Have designed your desired logo !!

Tried to keep it simple and clean !! Designed it on the basis of renewable. As you know, colors can be changed any time. If you want any kind of change, just let me know that sir. Thanks. :)

Inscrição nº 3 do Concurso para                                                 Re-Design a Logo for a high tech startup
Inscrição nº3

Painel de Comentários

  • miaurman
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás


    This is modern looking. But the lines are still thin so it will not standout among other logos. Also the most attention is drawn to the A but since its missing one leg it a bit lost. I really like the O and the font and it does look sleek.


    • 10 anos atrás
    1. kazierfan
      • 10 anos atrás

      Will you please ensure me what does you mean by the lines ??
      Is it about the fonts?
      So you're asking me to adjust the lines and make them thicker and also design a full A ??
      Thanks. :)

      • 10 anos atrás