Freelancer: dbldee
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Freelancer releases Fast 50

A recently released survey shows the fastest growth and trends in online jobs.

Inscrição nº 4 do Concurso para                                                 Rewrite a press release for me
Inscrição nº4

Painel de Comentários

  • TinyFreelancer
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás

    Hello, are you able to upload your entry as a set of 5 images for me please? I cannot currently read the text.

    • 10 anos atrás
    1. dbldee
      • 10 anos atrás

      I tried to withdraw, but cannot find a way to upload as the contest appears to be longer open if you extend it or reopen I may be able to upload the images

      • 10 anos atrás