Freelancer: PatrickGriffiths
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Endoro's Quest 8 bit inspired start screen

As you can see this is not yet complete, but you will be able to see the direction and style I'm going with here, I tried to stick to the limited colours and the retro look whilst conforming the modern stuff too, the resolution is the same as the Zelda 2 classic title screen and I tried to match your character as best that I could. I am aware of the fact that the colours will need to be tweaked and that there are a few details that need to be added, I note that the grammar in the logo text needs to be fixed along with the main character holding the sword in the wrong hand, if you'd like I will change the sword and shield in the logo to match the character image too!! I tried to add some shadow casting down from the castle onto the grass area but I think I will tweak that some more and I will be adding more detail to the rest of the water, the grass, the cliff and the edge from the grass area to the water, there will also be two variants of the logo with this!

Inscrição nº 8 do Concurso para                                                 Start screen for 8 bit retro style video game.
Inscrição nº8

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