Freelancer: sarbod
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3° sketch.

Hope you will like it. hand work, I'll work on it to clean and make changes you need immeditaley as soon as you say something to me. Have nice day! Sara

Inscrição nº 23 do Concurso para                                                 URGENT!! Illustrate something for a printed flyer.
Inscrição nº23

Painel de Comentários

  • AminaDev
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 10 anos atrás

    Thank you for your great work! its looks like u spend lot of time for that, I got the last entry of Blacktee, and he is the winner.You are invited to follow me and join to my next cotest
    i am sure that if i had more time ucan do an amazing illustate

    • 10 anos atrás