Freelancer: graphikajam
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Terras by JAM (A)

The rough sketch is a good one! :D Give this entry a rate or comment if we are on the same track, if does not I'll try another one based on your insights. Cheers!

Inscrição nº 145 do Concurso para                                                 Create a logo for a farm real estate agency
Inscrição nº145

Painel de Comentários

  • castromarcio
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 5 anos atrás

    don't need the sum, and is a bit confusing between the map outlines and land lines

    • 5 anos atrás
  • graphikajam
    • 5 anos atrás

    From this design, you can see that there are fields of soil (brown) and grass (green), and the sun shining on those fields (yellow).

    • 5 anos atrás