Design a Flyer for company employee appreciation week

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: $15
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 4
  • Vencedor: brijeshj21

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I need a flyer designed as a 'fun' agenda for employee appreciation week. I would like the company logo to be used and then a really exciting and engaging background/text/format - something really eye catching and fun

The text needs to say:

BDSI Dublin People Week April 27th - May 1st

To show how much we appreciate you and your hard work, we invite you to enjoy each day of this week in the office (even more than you normally do!)

Monday - your own personalised Amdocs mug
Tuesday - ice creams in the afternoon
Wednesday - trivia quiz
Thursday - lunch, on us
Friday - early finish at 3pm

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