Design a Logo for Midwest Turf & Design

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: $90
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 41
  • Vencedor: logofarmer

Síntese do concurso

Hey Fantastic Artists!!!
We need a LOGO for this wonderful client: Midwest Turf & Design

Color Schemes
Green #9bea12
Complimentary colors with some grey would be good
Color Information:

Their Target Customer Demographics is:
Age range 35-55.
Males and females
Middle to upper-lass demographics( couples that have extra money to spend on their home). Couples that have extra money to spend improving their lawns and children's play areas. Including family dog.
We have a couple rooftops sold on apartment buildings for pet areas in the city. It's better material than shingles and Eco-friendly.
Outdoor sport hobbies.
On the commercial side, we are replacing turf at lifetime fitness so the public can work out on the lawn without tearing up real grass.

Examples of what she likes and why

I like the dog in the background maybe put golf theme like that as well in the lettering?


I do like the neon green against the black.


Here is an example of logo that is ok. Not much color here tho. I have been looking through logos and I don't like the way that any of these companies used the turf in the logo. It's hard to represent blades of grass without it looking silly.

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Foto do perfil bamitvw, United States.

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