Freelancer: yassbaat
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Website Complete Design

we have did one half of the website with fire and black background for furnace and the other half with a wood background for isolation, saving energy as you requested , we hope you like it.

Inscrição nº 22 do Concurso para                                                 Design a Website and stationary design
Inscrição nº22

Painel de Comentários

  • behnmedia
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 9 anos atrás

    at all a like the layout, it is much better. My idear one half energy and one half fire i thought one half left and one half right, so next to each other in the slider in the top, so you have the big claim "Energy & Fire above very big over both halfs and below the Energy we have the consultant for energiy saving and the right half below fire are the products to sell liek furnace and chimney. But at all it is goot. More important at this time, is that i get also a good feeling for print products , for example the flags, one with logo colors and one with black, claim and furnace. Or also the busniess card or very important the company plate for the building. That is 3 to 4 meter width and 1 meter high and it should have the logo, claim and fire....

    • 9 anos atrás